
The effects of eviction on children
Winnie Van Dijk (Yale University)
July 29, 2024
The effects of violence in student performance
Marcos Paulo
June 28, 2024
Skin in the Game: Colleges’ Financial Incentives and Student Outcomes
Cauê Dobbin (Universidade de Georgetown)
June 25, 2024
A Model of the Data Economy
Maryam Farboodi (MIT Sloan)
June 19, 2024
Closing Gaps in Higher Education Trajectories: Direct and Indirect Effects of Targeted Information and Mentorship
Andrés Barrios (Universidad de Los Andes)
June 17, 2024
Floating population: migration with(out) family and the spatial distribution of economic activity
Marlon Seror (UQAM - Université du Québec à Montréal)
June 14, 2024
D+0 Returns of Retail Investors: Is Retail Liquidity Provision Detrimental?
Matheus Carrijo
June 13, 2024
Financially Sophisticated Firms
Lira Mota (MIT Sloan)
June 12, 2024
Two-tier Tax systems and firms: Evidence from Brazil
Joana Naritomi (LSE)
June 10, 2024
The Subjective Risk and Return Expectations of Institutional Investors
Andrei Gonçalves (Ohio State)
June 05, 2024
Misallocation effects of collusion under uniform pricing in differentiated-product markets
Marco Duarte (UNC - Chapel Hill)
June 03, 2024
Stablecoin Self-Regulation
Francesa Carapella
May 29, 2024
Laura Schiavon
May 27, 2024
Impact of uncertainty about property rights on deforestation in the Legal Amazon
Diego Menezes
May 24, 2024
Public Debt Policy with Financial Frictions
Rafael Miranda
May 23, 2024
Public and Private Transit: Evidence from Lagos
Nick Tsivanidis (U.C. Berkeley)
May 20, 2024
The Effect of Sanitation on Infant Health: Evidence from a Expansion Program in Brazil
Pedro Augusto Oliveira
May 17, 2024
More series, better output gap estimates
Vitor Kayo de Oliveira
May 16, 2024
A Dynamic Factor Model of Price Impacts
Yu An (Johns Hopkins Carey Business School)
May 15, 2024
Gender Quotas and Strategic Voters: Experimental Evidence from Chile’s Constitutional Convention
Antonia Paredes-Haz (UC Berkeley)
May 13, 2024
Exploring the relationship between gender and criminal justice
Jeudi Fernandes
May 10, 2024
Exchange Rates and Asset Prices in a Global Demand System
Motohiro Yogo (Princeton University)
May 08, 2024
Hidden Hostility, Donor Attention and Political Violence
Rogério Santarrosa (Insper)
May 06, 2024
Was Javert right to be suspicious? Unpacking treatment effect heterogeneity of alternative sentences on time-to-recidivism in Brazil
Vitor Possebom
May 03, 2024
When do Endogenous Portfolios Matter for HANK?
Adrien Auclert (Stanford University)
April 24, 2024
Breaking the Bubble – The Determinants and Effects of Contact
Adrian Blattner (Stanford)
April 12, 2024
Expectations and Frictions: Lessons from a Quantitative Model with Dispersed Information
Marcel Bertini Ribeiro
April 11, 2024
Lumpy Forecasts
Isaac Baley (Universitat Pompeu Fabra)
April 10, 2024
Innovation Adoption by Committee: Evaluating Decision-Making in the FDA
Nathan Canen (Warwick)
April 08, 2024
Strategic default in financial networks
Nizar Allouch (University of Kent)
April 04, 2024
Strategic default in financial networks
Nizar Allouch (University of Kent)
April 04, 2024
Structural preferences: foundations and applications
Marciano Siniscalchi (Northwestern University)
April 03, 2024
Covariate Adjustment and Rerandomization in Stratified Experiments
Max Cytrynbaum (Yale)
April 01, 2024
Polarization, Purpose and Profit
Radoslawa Nikolowa (Queen Mary University of London)
March 27, 2024
Trade Credit in a Developing Country
Pierluca Pannella
March 21, 2024
When financial advice leads to positive performance: Evidence from repeated client-advisor interactions 
Charline Uhr (Aarhus University)
March 20, 2024
Conditional Choice Rules and the Identification of Multivalued Treatment Effects
Camila Galindo (Universidad de los Andes)
March 18, 2024
Asset Pricing with Downside Risk Aversion
Luciano de Castro (University of Iowa)
March 13, 2024
China-U.S. trade: From the Cold War to the Trade War
Kim J. Ruhl (U Wisconsin Madison)
March 11, 2024
Welfare Theorems with Limited Commitment
Antônio Ali da Luz Schwanke
March 07, 2024
The 'Actual Retail Price' of Equity Trades
Brad Barber (UC David)
March 06, 2024
Field of Study, Career Choice, and Globalization
Lin Tian (INSEAD)
March 04, 2024
Campaign Finance Quotas and Descriptive Representation: Evidence from Brazil 2002-2022
Felipe Lauritzen
March 01, 2024
Credit Rationing in Unsecured Debt Markets
Professor Victor Filipe
February 29, 2024
Nonlinear Fixed Points and Stationarity: Economic Applications
Simone Cerreia-Vioglio
February 28, 2024
The Role of Firms and Job Mobility in the Assimilation of Immigrants: Former Soviet Union Jews in Israel 1990-201
Jaime Arellano-Bover
February 26, 2024
Catching cheaters: how does a fraud scandal impact trust in science?
Leon Eliezer
February 23, 2024
Robust Equilibria in Generic Extensive-form games
Lucas Pahl
February 22, 2024
Sequential Protest Formation
Benjamin Matta
February 07, 2024
Cognition in Preferences and Choice
Maria Betto
February 06, 2024
Health Insurance Markets with Endogenous Risks
Álvaro Parra
February 05, 2024
Commodity Booms, Markup Dispersion, and Misallocation
Professora Clara Arroyo
February 02, 2024
Trade, Growth, and Product Innovation
Professor Carlos Góes
January 31, 2024
Capital Allocation and Firm Dynamics in Small Open Economies
Professor Felipe Camêlo
January 23, 2024
Inequality and Misallocation under Production Networks
Professor Alejandro Rojas-Bernal
January 22, 2024
Embracing the Future or Building on the Past? Growth with New and Old Technologies
Bernardo Ribeiro
January 16, 2024
Procuring donors: how government contracts affect campaign contributions
Daniel Schneider
December 08, 2023
On interest rates, spreads, and defaults
Alberto Nishikawa
December 07, 2023
Flexible Demand Estimation: Zero market shares
Lucas Lima
December 04, 2023
The China Shock and the Geographic Dispersion of Innovation in Brazil
Pedro Scatimburgo
December 01, 2023
Effects of Centralization on the Brazilian Equity Lending Market
Davi Barbosa
November 30, 2023
Micro Risks and (Robust) Pareto Improving Policies
Manuel Amador
November 29, 2023
Career effects of the Panama Papers: Evidence from Brazil
Armando Barros
November 24, 2023
Risk perception and presidents’ speech: evidence from Brazil
Henrique Santos
November 23, 2023
Can carbon trade save the Amazon: Evidence from Brazil
Marcos Correia
November 17, 2023
Forest through the Trees:Building Cross-Sections of Stock Returns Applications to the Brazilian Market
Bernardo Scarpelli
November 17, 2023
Gender wage gaps and household decisions
Yoko Okuyama (University Uppsala)
November 13, 2023
Endogeneity Correction for Treatments with Bunching using Nonparametric Censoring”
Otávio Tecchio
November 10, 2023
Trading, fast and slow: how information is incorporated into financial asset prices"
Lucas Kimura
November 09, 2023
Memorable Events in Financial Markets
Andrés Carvajal
November 08, 2023
Contamination Bias in Linear Regressions
Paul Goldsmith-Pinkham
November 06, 2023
Two-dimensional information choice in committees
Nina Bobkova
November 01, 2023
Professor: Giorgio Chiovelli
October 30, 2023
Free public transport and GHG emissions: Can it help us prevent the worst?
Mateus Rodrigues
October 27, 2023
Macro Strikes Back: Term Structure of Risk Premia and Market Segmentation
Christian Julliard
October 26, 2023
The role of social security in protecting jobs against health shocks
Gabriela Avelino
October 20, 2023
Earmarked Credit and Capital Misallocation under Incomplete Markets
Pedro Costa
October 19, 2023
Rational Sentiments and Financial Frictions
Fernando Mendo
October 11, 2023
The Effects of Residential Zoning in U.S. Housing Markets
Jaehee Song
October 09, 2023
Harmonizing Fiscal and Monetary: Optimal Monetary Policy under Fiscal Rules
Luíza Palma Clemente
October 06, 2023
Nicolas de Roux
October 02, 2023
Monetary policy and quantitative easing in a model with bank failures and long-term bonds
Daniel Tibúrcio
September 22, 2023
A model of growth with living capital
Carmen Camacho
September 21, 2023
Tax substitution and tax compliance: Evidence from administrative data for Brazil
Enlinson Mattos
September 15, 2023
Auctions with Random Termination
Tiago Botelho
September 14, 2023
Effort Requirements, Job Search, and Optimal Unemployment Contracts
Professor: Lucas Maestri
September 13, 2023
Professor: João Granja
September 11, 2023
Professor: Luciano Pomatto
September 06, 2023
Professor: Yiqun Chen
September 04, 2023
Promoting Exports
Professor: Vladimir Ponczek
September 01, 2023
Professor: Emanuel Ornelas
August 31, 2023
Professor: Miguel Bandeira
August 30, 2023
Professor: Danae Hernandez-Cortes
August 28, 2023
The U.S-China Trade War Creates Jobs (Elsewhere)
Luca J. Uberti (UNIMIB)
August 25, 2023
Opportunistic Privatization
Pedro Molina Ogeda
August 24, 2023
Price Setting when Expectations are Unanchored
Professor: Marco Bonomo
August 23, 2023
Deforestation: A Global and Dynamic Perspective
Professor: Sebastian Sotelo
August 21, 2023
Assessing the Effects of Job Placement in Training Programs: Evidence from Brazil
Giovanni Di Pietra
August 18, 2023
Professor: Gustavo Cortes
August 16, 2023
Professor: Jacob Moscona
August 14, 2023
Professor: Bernard Herskovic
August 09, 2023
Professor: Juan Rios
August 07, 2023
Bootstrap Inference in the Presence of Bias
Professora: Silvia Gonçalves
August 04, 2023
Professor: Samer Shousha
August 02, 2023
Professor: Ariaster Chimeli
July 31, 2023
Quantile mixture modelling via L-moments
Luis Antonio Fantozzi Alvarez
June 30, 2023
An empirical test of complementarity in price setting
Débora Oliveira
June 29, 2023
Teaching Teachers to Use Computer Assisted Learning for Facilitating Personalized Learning at Scale: Experimental and Non-Experimental Evidence
Philip Oreopoulos
June 26, 2023
Does the conduct of monetary policy affect inflation forecasts?
Renata Santos de Mello Franco
June 23, 2023
Teaching Teachers to Use Computer Assisted Learning for Facilitating Personalized Learning at Scale: Experimental and Non-Experimental Evidence
Philip Oreopoulos
June 22, 2023
Political Accountability Under Moral Hazard
João Ramos
June 22, 2023
Political Accountability Under Moral Hazard
João Ramos
June 22, 2023
Research and/or Development? Financial Frictions and Innovation Investment
Filippo Mezzanotti
June 21, 2023
Does Labor Market Concentration Decrease Wages? Evidence from a Retail Pharmacy Merger
Tomás Guanziroli
June 19, 2023
Does university expansion promote entrepreneurship?
Bruna de Abreu Martins
June 16, 2023
Probabilidades Implícitas nas Opções de Câmbio
Mailiw Serafim
June 15, 2023
Costs of Access to banks, competition, productivity, and entrepreneurship
Professor: Gabriel Madeira
June 14, 2023
Markets Under Siege: How Differences in Political Beliefs Move Financial Markets
Professor: Marcos Salgado
June 12, 2023
Professor: Basile Grassi
June 07, 2023
Socioemotional Development during Adolescence: Evidence from a Large Macro Shock
Ghazala Azmat
June 05, 2023
The effects of extreme climate events on low-carbon policies
Patricia Amadi Oliveria
June 02, 2023
A Positive View of Entry Costs
Braz Camargo
June 01, 2023
Urban growth risk and prices: A dynamic spatial theory
Felipe Iachan
May 31, 2023
Keep your Enemies Closer: Strategic Candidate Adjustments in U.S. and French Elections
Caroline Le Pennec
May 29, 2023
Notary Offices as Tax-Enforcers
Enlinson Mattos
May 26, 2023
Álvaro Sandroni
May 25, 2023
The Real Effects of Sentiment and Uncertainty
Justin Birru
May 24, 2023
Peter Hull
May 22, 2023
Does exposure to more women in male-dominated fields render female students more career-oriented?
Bruna Borges
May 19, 2023
Skilled or Skewed?
Bruno Giovannetti
May 18, 2023
May 15, 2023
Terrance Odean
May 15, 2023
Identifying Dynamic LATEs with a Static Instrument
Otávio Tecchio
May 12, 2023
Structured retail products: risk sharing or risk creation?
Bernardo Guimaraes
May 11, 2023
Heterogeneous Beliefs and Business Cycles
Dejanir Silva
May 10, 2023
Mechanism design for personalized policy: A field experiment incentivizing behavior change
Rebecca Dizon-Ross
May 08, 2023
International Trade and Patent Citation: Evidence from Brazilian Imports
Leon Labre
May 05, 2023
Cooperation and Cognition in Social Networks
Edoardo Gallo
May 03, 2023
Bond and Equity Term Structure in the Presence of Missing Financial Data
Ramiro Haase
April 20, 2023
Stagger Difference-in-Differences with interactive fixed effects
Murilo Cardoso
April 14, 2023
Evaluating Policy Institutions: 150 Years of US Monetary Policy
Professor Regis Barnichon
April 12, 2023
Are Cash Transfers Effective at Empowering Mothers? A Structural Evaluation of Mexico’s Oportunidades
Professor Andrea Flores
April 10, 2023
The Impact of Multinationals Along the Job Ladder
Professor Doireann Fitzgerald
April 03, 2023
Flexible Covariate Adjustments in Regression Discontinuity Designs
Claudia Noak
March 31, 2023
Why so gradual? Disinflation under inflation targeting
Marcel Ribeiro
March 30, 2023
Professor Helios Herrera
March 29, 2023
Equilibrium Sorting and the Gender Wage Gap
Professor Pengpeng Xiao
March 27, 2023
Higher education and affirmative action effects: Evidence from an elite university in Brazil
Professor Gabriel Leite
March 24, 2023
Higher education and affirmative action effects: Evidence from an elite university in Brazil
Professor Gabriel Leite
March 24, 2023
Capital Misallocation and Economic Development in a Dynamic Open Economy
Professora Luciene Torres
March 23, 2023
The Gender Pay Gap: Micro Sources and Macro Consequences
Professor Christian Moser
March 22, 2023
Affirmative Action in Centralized College Admission Systems: Evidence from Brazil
Professor Sebastián Otero
March 20, 2023
Can the Northeast Financing Constitutional Fund Reduce Poverty of the Farmers in Brazil's Driest Climatic Region? An Impact Assessment of PRONAF B
Professor Hugo Villarinho
March 17, 2023
A Model of Zombie Firms and the Perils of Negative Real Interest Rates
Professor Guillaume Rocheteau
March 15, 2023
Subjective versus Objective Incentives and Employee Productivity
Professor Christina Brown
March 13, 2023
Discrimination in the Formation of Academic Networks: A Field Experiment on #EconTwitter
Professor Pedro Sant'Anna
March 10, 2023
Information leakage from short-sellers
Professor Bruno Giovanetti
March 09, 2023
Selection in a Health Insurance Market with a Public Option: Evidence from Chile
Mateus Dias
January 18, 2023
Cash Transfer and Environment
Paulo José Mencacci Costa
November 25, 2022
Public Debt Bubbles in General Equilibrium with Outside Liquidity
Pedro Quirino dos Santos Lopes
November 24, 2022
Mayoral Electoral Coalitions and Vote Concentration in Brazilian Municipal Elections
Gabriel Carvalho Caseiro
November 18, 2022
Convex Pricing and Uncertainty Averse Intermediaries: Knight-Walras meets Cass
Antônio Ali da Luz Schwanke
November 17, 2022
Bargaining in the Shadow of Uncertainty
Hülya Eraslan (Rice University)
November 16, 2022
Job Loss and Entrepreneurship: Evidence From Brazil
Rafael Vilarouca Nunes
November 11, 2022
The Link between News Arrival and Retail Investor's Disposition Effect
Matteo Taverna
November 10, 2022
Political Alignment and Covid: Evidence from Brazil
Arthur Fehr
November 04, 2022
Strategic Interaction Between Monetary and Financial Policies Under Loan Guarantees
Victor Koichi Nomi
November 03, 2022
Undervaluation of Future Fuel Savings and Efficiency Standards for Heavy-Duty Trucks
Stephanie Weber (Yale University)
October 31, 2022
Female Participation in Male-Dominated Fields: A Case Study
Maria Paschoal Pedote
October 28, 2022
Commodity Prices, Production Networks and the Brazilian Wage Distribution
Gabriel Gonçalves Garrote
October 27, 2022
Temperature, Effort, and Achievement
Ana Paula Melo (Howard University)
October 26, 2022
Identifying Monetary Policy Shocks: A Natural Language Approach
Thomas Drechsel (U. Maryland)
October 24, 2022
Parenthood and Productivity: Evidence from Administrative Data in Brazil
Caio de Holanda Medeiros
October 21, 2022
Sectoral Credit Policies in Production Networks
Mauro Cazzaniga
October 20, 2022
Minimum Wages, Efficiency and Welfare
Kyle Herkenhoff (U. Minessota)
October 19, 2022
Endogenous Partitions
Romain Wacziarg (University of California, Los Angeles – UCLA)
October 17, 2022
Affirmative Actions and Marriage Diversity: Evidence from Brazil
Pedro Lopes da Silva
October 14, 2022
Quantitative Tightening in a DSGE Model with Housing Sector
Leandro Bueno Seixas Romagnoli
October 13, 2022
Probability of Causation with Sample Selection: A Reanalysis of the Impacts of Jóvenes en Acción on Formality
Vítor Possebom (FGV EESP)
October 07, 2022
Next time is on me: Signaling through Risk Sharing Contracts in Chilean Food Exporting
Christian Abele (Paris School of Economics - PSE)
October 06, 2022
Inventory, Market Making, and Liquidity: Theory and Application to the Corporate Bond Market
Pierre-Olivier Weill (University of California, Los Angeles – UCLA)
September 28, 2022
Racial Inequality, MinimumWage Spillovers, and the Informal Sector
Ellora Derenoncourt (Princeton University)
September 26, 2022
Corporate Campaign Donations and Firms: Evidence from Brazil
Lina Stela Oliveira Guerra
September 23, 2022
Some Like It Hot: A Distributional Analysis of Average Inflation Targeting
Felipe Alves (Bank of Canada)
September 22, 2022
Taxing Property in Developing Countries: Theory and Evidence from Mexico
Juan Carlos Suárez Serrato (Duke University)
September 21, 2022
Can Finance Save the World? Measurement and Effects of Coal Divestment Policies by Banks
Boris Vallee (Harvard Business School)
September 19, 2022
Do Market Solutions and Credit Restrictions Affect Greenhouse Gas Emissions? Evidence from the Soy Moratorium and Resolution 3545 in the Legal Amazon
Rhamon Talles de Oliveira Peixoto
September 16, 2022
Trade and Health: Evidence on Trade Reform, Public Health Policy, and Infant Mortality in Brazil
Danyelle Branco (Universidade Federal de Pernambuco - PIMES/UFPE)
September 15, 2022
Performance of Univariate Models Facing Structural Breaks
Renam de Souza e Megda
September 15, 2022
When is TSLS Actually LATE?
Alex Torgovitsky (U. Chicago)
September 14, 2022
Knowledge Overlap in Teams: Evidence from the Healthcare Industry
Bladimir Carrillo (Universidade Federal de Pernambuco - PIMES/UFPE)
September 13, 2022
Portfolio Changes and Wealth Inequality Dynamics
Daniel Albuquerque (London School of Economics and Political Science – LSE)
September 12, 2022
Education, Culture and Urbanization: Female Labor Force Participation in Brazil, between 1920 and 1940
Bruno Eduardo da Costa Sales
September 09, 2022
Climate Change and Migration: The Case of Africa
Bruno Conte (University of Bologna)
September 08, 2022
Police Infrastructure, Police Performance and Crime: Evidence from Austerity Cuts
Elisa Facchetti (University of Rome Tor Vergata)
September 05, 2022
Randomization Inference in Shift Share Designs
Raoni Ribeiro Aredes de Oliveira
September 02, 2022
Realized Multivariate GARCH with Factors
Murilo Getlinger Coelho
September 01, 2022
Dodging Expropriation? The Role of Cash Holdings as a Firm-Level Driver of Risky FDI Location Choices
Tiago Loncan (King’s College London)
August 31, 2022
Minimum Wages, Inequality, and the Informal Sector
Rafael Parente (Princeton University)
August 29, 2022
What Happened to the Beveridge Curve? A Macro-Epidemiological Approach with Labor Market Frictions
Júlia Leandro Pereira
August 26, 2022
Consumer Loans, Heterogeneous Interest Rates and Inequality
Tiago Cavalcanti
August 25, 2022
Expectations, Infections, and Economic Activity
Mathias Trabandt (Goethe University Frankfurt)
August 24, 2022
Trade, Labor Market Concentration, and Wages
Mayara Felix (Princeton University)
August 22, 2022
Affective Polarization during Electoral Times: Evidence from Twitter
Pedro Carregã Sant'Anna
August 19, 2022
Development via Administrative Redistricting: Evidence from Brazil
Ricardo Dahis (PUC Rio)
August 17, 2022
Collective Bargaining for Women: How Unions Can Create Female-Friendly Jobs
Lorenzo Lagos (Brown University)
August 15, 2022
On the Role of Communication in Conflicts
Daniel Monte
August 11, 2022
When Democracies Refuse to Die: Evaluating a Training Program for New Politicians
Claudio Ferraz (U. British Columbia – UBC)
August 10, 2022
The Frequency of Outperformance and Investment Decisions
Michael Ungeheuer (Aalto University)
August 08, 2022
Trade, Technology, and Agricultural Productivity
Heitor Pellegrina (New York University Abu Dhabi)
August 04, 2022
The Impacts of Mercosur on the Brazilian Labor Market
Pedro Molina Ogeda
July 01, 2022
Overcrowded Maternal Wards and Health Outcomes: Evidence from Brazilian Hospitals
Rafael Morrone Barbat Parfitt
July 01, 2022
OLS, R.I.P: Bayesian Regression Tree Models for Causal Inference
Carlos Carvalho (U. Texas)
June 30, 2022
How Do Women and Men Search for Jobs?
Roland Rathelot (ENSAE)
June 27, 2022
GARCH-Based Extremiles for Financial Time Series
Victor Henriques de Oliveira
June 24, 2022
Effects of Technical Education and Professional Qualification: Experimental Evidence
Caio de Souza Castro
June 24, 2022
Antidepressant Use and School Academic Achievement
Sonia Bhalotra (U. Warwick)
June 13, 2022
Child Labor and Talent Misallocation
Alei Fernandes Santos
June 10, 2022
Dropping Out of Higher Education after Trade Liberalization
Lucas de Castro Mariano
June 10, 2022
The Real Effects of Banking the Poor: Evidence from Brazil
Julia Fonseca (U. Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
June 06, 2022
Judicial Discretion, Credit and the Real Economy
Pedro Henrique Duca Amoni
June 03, 2022
Identifying Commodity Price Shocks
Alisson Curátola de Melo
June 03, 2022
Road Endpoints and City Sizes
Bruno Barsanetti (FGV EPGE)
May 30, 2022
Gender Gap Competition: Evidence from a High-Stakes Exam
Kelly Gonçalves dos Santos
May 27, 2022
Market Power: Theory and Evidence from Brazil
Paula Karine Ribas Magalhães
May 27, 2022
The Statistical Limit of Arbitrage
Dacheng Xiu (U. Chicago)
May 23, 2022
Does Access to Student Loan Impact Higher Education Indicators?
Rebeca Regina Regatieri
May 20, 2022
Justifying Dissent
Leonardo Bursztyn (U. Chicago)
May 18, 2022
Information Based Inference in Models with Set-Valued Predictions
Francesca Molinari (Cornell University)
May 16, 2022
Does Floor Trading Matter?
Matthew Ringgenberg (U. Utah)
April 18, 2022
50 Years of Talent Misallocation in Brazil
Otávio de Almeida Janny Teixeira
April 08, 2022
Black Mayors as Role Models: Evidence from Close Races in Brazil
Pedro Carregã Sant'Anna
April 08, 2022
Inference on Winners
Isaiah Andrews (Harvard University)
April 04, 2022
Crime and Mismeasured Punishment: Marginal Treatment Effect with Misclassification
Vítor Possebom
April 01, 2022
Pecuniary Externalities in Competitive Economies with Limited Pledgeability
Victor Filipe Martins-da-Rocha
April 01, 2022
Risky Business Cycles
Ryan Chahrour (Boston College)
March 28, 2022
The Rise of the Taylor Principle
Bernardo Guimarães
March 25, 2022
Non-white Mayors & Racial Composition of Municipal Managers
Alexandre Marcos Mendes Rabelo
March 25, 2022
Gender Differences in Peer Recognition by Economists
Nagore Iriberri (U. Basque Country)
March 21, 2022
The Costs and Benefits of Rules of Origin in Moderm Free Trade Agreements
Emanuel Ornelas
March 18, 2022
Timing Decisions Under Model Uncertainty
Sarah Auster (U. Bonn)
March 14, 2022
Electoral Campaign Attacks: Theory and Evidence
Marcos Nakaguma
March 11, 2022
Is There a Foster Care-To-Prison Pipeline? Evidence from Quasi-Randomly Assigned Investigators
Jason Baron (Duke University)
March 07, 2022
Monitoring Team Members: Information Waste and the Self-Promotion Trap
Matteo Camboni (Northwestern University)
February 22, 2022
Putting a Price Tag on Air Pollution: The Social Healthcare Costs of Air Pollution in France
Julia Mink (Sciences Po Paris and INRAE)
February 03, 2022
Satellites and Fines: Using Monitoring to Target Inspections of Deforestation
Alípio Ferreira (Toulouse School of Economics)
January 27, 2022
Agricultural Productivity and Deforestation: Evidence from Brazil
Dimitri Szerman (U. Mannheim)
January 26, 2022
The Health Benefits of Solar Power Generation: Evidence from Chile
Nathaly Rivera (FEA-USP)
January 19, 2022
Income Inequality, Financial Intermediation, and Small Firms
Thomas Drechsel (U. Maryland)
December 06, 2021
Social Support for Markets and ‘Just Prices’
Nicola Lacetera (U. Toronto)
November 29, 2021
Sanitation and Infant Health
Fernanda Perale Batolla
November 26, 2021
Forecasting Volatility using Cross-Section
Guilherme Nogueira Dornelas
November 26, 2021
Optimal Monetary Policy in Production Networks
Jennifer La’O (Columbia University)
November 24, 2021
Can Investors Benefit from Hedge Fund Strategies? Utility-Based, Out-of-Sample Evidence
Massimo Guidolin (Bocconi University)
November 22, 2021
Luck, Overconfidence and Trade
Matheus Carrijo de Brito
November 19, 2021
Forecasting Realized Volatility: Jumps, Asymmetries and News
Murilo André Peres Pereira
November 19, 2021
Do Permissive Gun Carrying Laws Increase Violent Crime?
John Donohue (Stanford Law School)
November 17, 2021
PrEP and HIV Prevention: Evidence from a Public Policy in Brazil
Filipe Matheus Silva Cavalcanti
November 12, 2021
Aggregate Effects of Decreasing Credit Market Costs in Brazil
Frederico Marco Pereira Gomes
November 12, 2021
Scalable Expertise
Venky Venkateswaran (NYU Stern)
November 08, 2021
Learning in Brazilian Day Trading
Bernardo Lembi Ramalho Maciel
November 05, 2021
The Spillover Effects on Crime of Marijuana Legalization in Uruguay: Evidence from Brazil
Bruno de Assis Vicente
November 05, 2021
Using Lotteries to Attract Savings
Sean Higgins (U. Chicago)
November 03, 2021
Does Cash on Hand Empower Women? Evidence on Intimate Partner Violence from Conditional Cash Transfers
Carolina Lima Nour
October 29, 2021
Rationalization of Dynamic Choices with Unobserved Information
Danilo Nogueira de Paula
October 29, 2021
Persuasion as Matching
Alexander Wolitzky (MIT)
October 25, 2021
Do School Policies Generate Externalities on Siblings? Evidence using Regression Discontinuity Design
Isabela Innocente Gomes de Oliveira
October 22, 2021
Macroeconomic Forecasting: Time Series Econometrics vs Machine Learning Methods
Eduardo Paro Mesquita
October 22, 2021
Autoregressive Conditional Betas
Sebastien Laurent (Aix-Marseille University)
October 18, 2021
Strategic Public Spending - Evidence from Brazil
Felipe Yamamoto Ricardo da Silva
October 15, 2021
Media Persuasion in Elections
André Pastore Fogagnoli
October 15, 2021
Responsible Sourcing? Theory and Evidence from Costa Rica
Isabela Manelici (LSE)
October 13, 2021
Intergenerational Mobility in Brazil: Evidence from Administrative Data
Diogo Britto (Bocconi University)
October 04, 2021
Persuasion with Multiple Actions
Andrzej Skrzypacz (Stanford GSB)
September 27, 2021
An Analytic Model of Sovereign Debt and Default
José Mario Chizzotti
September 24, 2021
Economic Integration and Democracy: An Empirical Investigation
Marco Tabellini (Harvard Business School)
September 20, 2021
Persuasion Through Communication Channels
Giovanni de Paola
September 17, 2021
Economic Policies in the Time of COVID-19
Vladimir Kuhl Teles
September 17, 2021
Earnings Inequality in Production Networks
Federico Huneeus (Bank of Chile)
September 13, 2021
The Role of Trading Companies and Non-Tariff Barriers on Customs Duties Evasion: Evidence from an Exogenous Shock in Brazil
Rafael Felipe Bressan
September 10, 2021
Information Acquisition Design
Lucas Pereira Galvão de Barros
September 10, 2021
Visualization, Identification, and Estimation in the Linear Panel Event-Study Design
Jesse Shapiro (Brown University)
September 08, 2021
Words as Data: Quantifying the Brazilian Central Bank Communication
Vanessa Carayannis Cardeal
September 03, 2021
Combination of Density Forecasts: An Application for the Labor Market Using Dynamic Predictive Pools
Rafael Luis Comini Curi
September 03, 2021
The Real Effects of Politicians' Compensation
Igor Cunha (U. Kentucky)
August 30, 2021
Classroom Composition and Peer Effects
Felipe Ferreira de Barros
August 27, 2021
Having a Second Chance: The Consequences of Remedial Exams
Luiz Felipe Campos Fontes
August 27, 2021
Identifying Marginal Treatment Effects in the Presence of Sample Selection
Vítor Possebom (Yale University)
August 24, 2021
Does Loan Portability Promote Bank Competition?
Amanda Miranda Fantinatti
August 20, 2021
Signaling Channel of Monetary Policy: Evidence from Brazilian Expectations Data
Francisco Domingues Ramos
August 20, 2021
Estimating the Economic Value of Zoning Reform
Fernando Ferreira (U. Pennsylvania)
August 16, 2021
Commodity Booms and The Environment
Mário Malta Campos Dotta e Silva
August 13, 2021
Agricultural Innovation and Crime
Thiago Pereira Lôbo
August 13, 2021
Premium for Heightened Uncertainty: Explaining Pre-Announcement Market Returns
Haoxiang Zhu (MIT Sloan)
August 09, 2021
The Seeds of Ideology: Historical Immigration and Political Preferences in the United States
Paola Giuliano (UCLA)
July 12, 2021
Redistributive Allocation Mechanisms
Piotr Dworczak (Northwestern University)
July 05, 2021
The Impact of Diversity on Distributive Perceptions and Preferences for Redistribution
Juliana Londoño-Velez (UCLA)
June 28, 2021
Trade Shocks and Child Labor: Evidence from Brazil
Arthur Augusto Viaro
June 25, 2021
On the Role of Learning, Human Capital, and Performance Incentives for Wages
Braz Camargo
June 25, 2021
Dominated ETFs
Scott Cederburg (University of Arizona)
June 21, 2021
Beta in the tails of Brazilian equity funds
Juliana Tessari Franzoi
June 18, 2021
(Mis)allocation and informality: aggregate effects of the Simples tax regime
Bruna Mirelle de Jesus da Silva
June 18, 2021
On the Persistence of the China Shock
Gordon Hanson (HKS)
June 14, 2021
The Labor Cost of Pro-Labor Bias in Bankruptcy
Flavio Moraes
June 11, 2021
The Elasticity of Taxable Wealth: Evidence on Inheritance and Gift Taxes in Brazil
Enlinson Mattos
June 11, 2021
Correcting for Endogeneity in Models with Bunching
Carolina Caetano (U. of Georgia)
June 10, 2021
A Unified Empirical Framework to Study Segregation
Gregório Caetano (U. of Georgia)
June 08, 2021
Uncertainty Shocks, Capital Flows, and International Risk Spillovers
Albert Queralto (FED Board)
June 07, 2021
Unveiling the Law of Demand Using a Large-Scale Natural Field Experiment
Devin Pope (Chicago Booth)
May 31, 2021
Occupational Choice and Misallocation in Production Network Economies
Pierluca Pannella
May 28, 2021
Internships and Academic Achievement
Fernanda Estevan
May 28, 2021
Minimum wage and Informality in a Roy Bargaining Economy: Evidence from a Bunching Estimator
Hugo Jales (Syracuse University)
May 27, 2021
Purchase History and Product Personalization
Laura Doval (Columbia University)
May 24, 2021
Pricing of Index Options in Incomplete Markets
Gustavo Bulhões Carvalho da Paz Freire
May 21, 2021
Who benefits from Job Training Programs? Evidence from a High-Dosage Program in Brazil
Daniel da Mata
May 21, 2021
Creating Moves to Opportunity: Experimental Evidence on Barriers to Neighborhood Choice
Peter Bergman (Columbria University)
May 17, 2021
Accounting for the International Quantity-Quality Trade-Off
Marla Ripoll (University of Pittsburgh)
May 10, 2021
Estimating Production Functions in Differentiated-Product Industries with Quantity Information and External Instruments
Eric Verhoogen (Columbia University)
May 03, 2021
Limited Tax Capacity and the Optimal Taxation of Firms
Enlinson Mattos
April 30, 2021
Does Diversity Help Minorities? Evidence From Sell-Side Equity Analysts
Alok Kumar (University of Miami)
April 26, 2021
Are Bartik Regressions Always Robust to Heterogeneous Treatment Effects?
Clément de Chaisemartin (UC Santa Barbara)
April 19, 2021
Robust Merging of Information
Henrique de Oliveira
April 16, 2021
The Effects of a Large-Scale Mental Health Reform: Evidence from Brazil
Luiz Felipe Campos Fontes
April 16, 2021
Bad Jobs and Low Inflation
Leonardo Melosi (Chicago FED and EUI)
April 12, 2021
Non-Compete Contracts, Wages and Efficiency: Theory and Evidence from Brazilian Football
João Paulo Pessoa
April 09, 2021
Belief Elicitation: Limiting Truth Telling with Information on Incentives
Lise Vesterlund (University of Pittsburgh)
April 05, 2021
Falling Interest Rates and Misallocation: Lessons from General Equilibrium
Vladimir Asriyan (CREI)
March 29, 2021
The Contrarian Put
Bernardo Guimarães
March 26, 2021
Digital Information Provision and Behavior Change: Lessons from Six Experiments in East Africa
Raissa Fabregas (University of Texas)
March 22, 2021
Short-Squeeze Bubbles
Pierluca Pannella
March 19, 2021
Local Stores, Salience, and Trading
Bruno Giovannetti
March 19, 2021
Can the Representativeness Heuristic Explain the Asset Growth Anomaly?
Nishad Kapadia (Tulane University)
March 15, 2021
Child Development in the Early Years: Parental Investment and the Changing Dynamics of Different Domains
Orazio Attanasio (UCL)
March 08, 2021
Network Structure and Pricing in the FX Market
Joel Hasbrouck (New York University)
December 14, 2020
This Time It’s Different: The Role of Women’s Employment in a Pandemic Recession
Michèle Tertilt (University of Mannheim)
December 07, 2020
The Effect of Job Loss and Unemployment Insurance on Crime in Brazil
Paolo Pinotti (Bocconi University)
December 01, 2020
The Economic Impacts of COVID-19: Evidence from a New Public Database Built Using Private Sector Data
John Friedman (Brown University)
November 23, 2020
Accounting for Business Income in Measuring Top Income Shares: Integrated Accrual Approach Using Individual and Firm Data from Norway
Wojciech Kopczuk (Columbia University)
November 17, 2020
Inference for Heterogeneous Effects using Low-Rank Estimation of Factor Slopes
Christian Hansen (University of Chicago)
November 09, 2020
Inequality in the Impact of the Coronavirus Shock: Evidence from Real Time Surveys
Teodora Boneva (University of Zurich)
November 04, 2020
Sectoral Media Focus and Aggregate Fluctuations
Kristoffer Nimark (Cornell University)
October 26, 2020
Apart but Connected: Online Tutoring to Mitigate the Impact of COVID-19 on Educational Inequality
Michela Carlana (Harvard University)
October 19, 2020
Efficient Sampling For Gaussian Linear Regression With Arbitrary Priors
Hedibert Lopes - Insper
November 07, 2018


Empirical Asset Pricing With Multi Period Disaster Risk: A Simulation-Based Approach
Joaquim Grammig - University of Tubingen
November 05, 2018
Seminar - Adverse Selection in Distributive Politics
Nageeb Ali - PennState University
October 15, 2018
Seminar - All in the family? CEO choice and firm organization
Daniela Scur - Oxford University
October 03, 2018 to October 08, 2018
Seminar - A continuous-time model of the ratchet effect
Lucas Maestri - EPGE
October 01, 2018 to October 08, 2018
Seminar - The Contribution of Patients and Providers to the Overuse of Prescription Drugs
Simone Schaner - USC
September 12, 2018
Seminar - Collateral Shocks
Yvan Bécard - PUC-RJ
September 10, 2018
Seminar - The Psychological Effects of Poverty on Investiments in Children's Human Capital
Guilherme Lichand - Harvard University
September 05, 2018
Seminar - Hedge Fund Fee Structure and Risk Exposure: Theory and Empirical Evidence
Herve Roche - Universidad Adolfo Ibanez
September 03, 2018
Seminar - The Welfare Impacts Of Rural Electrification: Evidence From Brasil
Bruna Mirelle de Jesus da Silva - FGV EESP
August 17, 2018
Seminar - Trade And Informality In The Presence Of Labor Market Frictions And Regulations
Rafael Dix-Carneiro - Duke University
August 15, 2018
Seminar - Trade And Informality In The Presence Of Labor Market Frictions And Regulations
August 13, 2018
Seminar - A Road To Efficiency Through Communication And Commitment
João Ramos Antunes -University of Southern California
August 13, 2018
Seminar - Us Geopolitical Goals And Imf Conditionality: 1970-2014
Ariel K. Akerman - FGV EESP
August 10, 2018
Seminar - The Violence Of Law And Order Politics: The Case Of Law Enforcement Candidates In Brazil
Lucas Novaes - Institute for Advanced Study
August 08, 2018
Seminar - Too Big To Jail? Key Player Policies When The Network Is Endogeneous
Timo Hiller - University of Bristol
August 06, 2018
Trade Policy
Emanuel Ornelas – FGV/EESP
July 30, 2018 to August 03, 2018


Dynamic General Equilibrium with Limited Commitment
Victor Filipe Martins da Rocha - FGV EESP
July 16, 2018 to August 01, 2018


Measure Theory
Victor Filipe Martins da Rocha - FGV EESP
July 04, 2018 to August 01, 2018


Recursive Dynamic Models
Victor Filipe Martins da Rocha - FGV EESP
July 04, 2018 to July 17, 2018


Dynamic Coordination
Bernardo Guimarães - FGV-EESP
July 04, 2018 to July 12, 2018


Teaching Methods in Higher Education
Rogério Mori - FGV EESP
July 02, 2018 to July 11, 2018


For more information, please contact us at

Enrollment click here:

Registrations: 04/23/2018 to 06/15/2018 

Values and Payment:
R$ 2.885,82*  to each credit for external applicants and alumni which were not graduates;
R$ 1.442,91*  to each credit for alumni graduates;
Active applicants of CMCD and from associated universities have tuition free.

Seminar - Consumption/macro-risk/empirical asset pricing: “The Consumption Risk of Bonds and Stocks
Christian Julliard - LSE
June 25, 2018

For more information about the Seminars, please contact us at

Seminar - External validity of school choice effects: Evidence from 350 markets
Miguel Urquiola - Columbia University
June 20, 2018

For more information about the Seminars, please contact us at

Seminar - Inattentive Retail Investors
Fernando Chague - USP
June 15, 2018
Seminar -Beyond Monotonicity: Using Incentives To Identify And Evaluate Causal Effects"
Rodrigo Pinto - UCLA
June 13, 2018

For more information about the Seminars, please contact us at

Seminar - Optimal Public Debt with life Cycle Motives
William Peterman - Federal Reserve Board of Governors
June 11, 2018

For more information about the Seminars, please contact us at

Topics in Regional and Urban Economics
Felipe Schwartzman - Richmond Fed
June 11, 2018 to June 15, 2018


For further information, please contact the telephone: 3799-3491/3271 with Daniela or Thaís or by email to

Seminar - Can wrong beliefs persist? A social learning model with endogenous signal quality
Douglas Bokliang - FGV EESP
June 08, 2018

For more information about the Seminars, please contact us at

Seminar - Explaining Recent Trends in US School Segregation: 1988 - 2014
Gregorio Caetano - University of Rochester
May 30, 2018

For more information about the Seminars, please contact us at

Seminar - Over-Identified Regression Discontinuity Design
Carolina Gregorio - University of Rochester
May 28, 2018

For more information about the Seminars, please contact us at

Preferential Trade Agreements And Global Sourcing
Emanuel Ornelas – FGV/EESP
May 25, 2018
Seminar - Optimal austerity
Jean Carlos Conesa - Stony Brook University
May 21, 2018

For more information about the Seminars, please contact us at

Application Process for Special Student – 3st and 4th trim 2018
May 21, 2018 to May 25, 2018

Períod: from 05/21/2018 to 05/25/2018

Procedure to Enrollment:

Please, send the documents below to the email :

External Applicants and Alumni
* Proof of enrollment at stricto-sensu course
* School Register
* Copies of RG and CPF
* Digital Photo 3/4

* Application Form 

Active Applicants of CMCD and MPE
* Application Form (avaliable up)

The results of the inscriptions will be sent by email on June 18th, 2018.

Values and Payment:

R$ 2.885,82*  to each credit for external applicants and alumni which were not graduates;
R$ 1.442,91*  to each credit for alumni graduates;
Active applicants of CMCD and from associated universities have tuition free.

For further informations, please contact the telephone: 3799-3491/3271 with Daniela or Thaís or by email to

Application Process for Special Student – 3rd and 4th trim 2018
May 21, 2018 to May 25, 2018

Inscriptions: 05/21/2018 to 05/25/2018

Procedure to Enrollment:

Please, send the documents below to the email :

External Applicants and Alumni
* Proof of enrollment at stricto-sensu course
* School Register
* Copies of RG and CPF
* Digital Photo 3/4
* Application Form

Active Applicants of CMCD and MPE
* Application Form (avaliable up)

The results of the inscriptions will be sent by email on June 18th, 2018

Values and Payment:

R$ 2.885,82*  to each credit for external applicants and alumni which were not graduates;
R$ 1.442,91*  to each credit for alumni graduates;
Active applicants of CMCD and from associated universities have tuition free.

For further information, please contact the telephone: 3799-3491/3271 with Thaís or by email to

Seminar - Estimating High-Frequency Intraday Stochastic Volatility and Correlation
Bruno Morier - FGV EESP
May 18, 2018

For more information about the Seminars, please contact us at

Seminar - Estimating Models with Spillovers: Formalizing Bartik Designs
Rodrigo Adão- University of Chicago
May 16, 2018

For more information about the Seminars, please contact us at

Seminar - Does Uniqueness in Banking Matter?
Lars Norden - FGV EBAPE
May 14, 2018

For more information about the Seminars, please contact us at

Seminar - Redes Sociais, efeitos de pares e competências socioemocionais
Natália Marchi - FGV EESP
May 11, 2018

For more information about the Seminars, please contact us at

Seminar - Building Nations Through Shared Experiences: Evidence from African Football
Emilio Depetris-Chauvin - Puc Chile
May 09, 2018

For more information about the Seminars, please contact us at

Seminar - Capital Market Anomalies and Quantitative Research
Justin Birru - The Ohio State University
May 07, 2018

For more information about the Seminars, please contact us at

Seminar -Can schools teach socio-emotional skills?
Gabriela Fonseca - FGV EESP
May 04, 2018

For more information about the Seminars, please contact us at

Seminar - Free for Children? Patient Cost-sharing and Health Care Utilization
Hitoshi Shigeoka - Simon Fraser
May 02, 2018

For more information about the Seminars, please contact us at

Seminar - "O investimento na indústria antes de 1930: uma análise empírica com registros de empresas da Junta Comercial do estado de São Paulo, 1911-1920"
Michel Deliberali Marson - FGV EESP
April 27, 2018

For more information about the Seminars, please contact us at

Seminar - Corruption and Firms: Evidence from Randomized Audits in Brazil
Monu Prem - Universidad del Rosario
April 25, 2018

For more information about the Seminars, please contact us at

Seminar - Barriers to Entry and Regional Economic Growth in China
Gueorgui Kambourov - University of Toronto
April 23, 2018

For more information about the Seminars, please contact us at

Seminar - Baggage fees in airlines: is this a good idea?
Raone Botteon Costa - FGV EESP
April 13, 2018

For more information about the Seminars, please contact us at

Seminar - Equal Opportunities in Access to Higher Education: Evidence from the Randomization of a National Policy
Michela Tincani University - UCL
April 11, 2018

For more information about the Seminars, please contact us at

Seminar - Observational Learning in Large Anonymous Games
Ignácio Monzon - Collegio Carlo Alberto
April 09, 2018

For more information about the Seminars, please contact us at

Seminar - America's Growth and Sovereignty Policy
Matheus Sesso Gay - FGV EESP
April 06, 2018

For more information about the Seminars, please contact us at

Seminar - The Value of Health Insurance: A Household Job Search Approach
Renata Narita - USP
April 04, 2018

For more information about the Seminars, please contact us at

Seminar - Art Portfolios
Christophe Spaenjers - HEC Paris
March 31, 2018

For more information about the Seminars, please contact us at

Seminar - Political specialization: empirical evidence from nineteenth century winds
Bernardo Guimarães - FGV-EESP
March 28, 2018

For more information about the Seminars, please contact us at

Seminar - The not-so-generalized effects of non-reciprocal trade preferences
Marcos Ritel Franco Júnior/FGV EESP
March 23, 2018

For more information about the Seminars, please contact us at

Seminar - More Doctors, Better Health? Evidence From A Physician Distribution Policy
Bladimir Carrillo - Universidade Federal de Viçosa
March 21, 2018

For more information about the Seminars, please contact us at

Seminar - A Characterization Of Multi-Prior Expected Multi-Utility Model
Kazuhiro Hara - EPGE
March 19, 2018

For more information about the Seminars, please contact us at

Seminar - Dynamic Coordination With Quasi-Hyperbolic Discounting: Procrastination Can Be a Good Thing
Deivis Angeli - FGV-EESP
March 16, 2018

For more information about the Seminars, please contact us at

Seminar - Human Capital Formation in Childhood and Adolescence
Flavio Cunha - Rice University
March 13, 2018
Seminar - Bubbly Debt and the Housing Cycle
Pierluca Pannella - FGV EESP
March 09, 2018
Seminar - Sex ratios and women's employment: demand versus supply channels
Louis-Philippe Morin - University of Ottawa
March 07, 2018

For more information about the Seminars, please contact us at

Seminar - Self-enforcing Debt Limits and Costly Default in General Equilibrium
Victor Filipe Martins da Rocha - FGV EESP
March 02, 2018

For more information about the Seminars, please contact us at

International Trade, Resource Use and The Environment
Michael Scott Taylor - University of Calgary
February 19, 2018 to February 28, 2018

Seminar - A Preference-Based Rationalization of the Majority Rule
Jean Baptiste Tondji - University of Ottawa
February 07, 2018

For more information about the Seminars, please contact us at

Seminar - Buying off the Revolution: Evidence from the Colombian National Peasant Movement, 1957-1975
Maria Del Pilar L. Uribe - London School of Economics
February 02, 2018

For more information about the Seminars, please contact us at

Seminar - Epidemics and Conflict: Evidence from the Ebola outbreak in Western Africa
Ada I. Gonzalez-Torres Fernandez- European University Institute
February 01, 2018

For more information about the Seminars, please contact us at

Seminar - The Power of Example: Corruption Spurs Corruption
Nicolás Ajzenman - SciencesPo
January 29, 2018

For more information about the Seminars, please contact us at

Seminar - Information Accumulation and the Timing of Voting Decisions
Nathan Canen - University of British Columbia
January 24, 2018

For more information about the Seminars, please contact us at

Seminar - Competitive real options under private information
Felipe Iachan - EPGE
December 04, 2017

For more information about the Seminars, please contact us at

Seminar - TBA
José Tessada - Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
November 29, 2017

For more information about the Seminars, please contact us at

Seminar - Debtor protection, credit redistribution and income inequality
Maria Fabiana Penas - Universidad Torquato Di Tella
November 27, 2017

For more information about the Seminars, please contact us at

Victor Wong - Coordination failures and slow recoveries in macroeconomics
Victor Wong - FGV-EESP
November 24, 2017

For more information about the Seminars, please contact us at

Seminar - TBA
Jonhatan Eaton - PennState College
November 22, 2017

For more informations about the Seminars, please contact us at

Application Process – Special Student – Master’s and PH.D - 1st trim and 2nd trim 2018
November 21, 2017 to November 27, 2017

Períod: from 11/21/2017 to 11/27/2017

Procedure to Enrollment:
Please, send the documents below to the email :

External Applicants and Alumni
* Proof of enrollment at stricto-sensu course
* School Register
* Copies of RG and CPF
* Digital Photo 3/4

* Application Form

Active Applicants of CMCD and MPE
* Application Form (avaliable up)

The results of the inscriptions will be sent by email on December 7th, 2017

Values and Payment: to be announced 

For further informations, please contact the telephone: 3799-3491/3271 with Daniela or Thaís or by email to

Courses/Schedule of Master's and PH.D. in Economics

Application Process for Special Student – 1st and 2nd trim 2018
November 21, 2017 to November 27, 2017

Períod: from 11/21/2017 to 11/27/2017

Procedure to Enrollment:

Please, send the documents below to the email :

External Applicants and Alumni
* Proof of enrollment at stricto-sensu course
* School Register
* Copies of RG and CPF
* Digital Photo 3/4

* Application Form 

Active Applicants of CMCD and MPE
* Application Form (avaliable up)

The results of the inscriptions will be sent by email on December 7th, 2017.

Values and Payment:

R$ 2.885,82*  to each credit for external applicants and alumni which were not graduates;
R$ 1.442,91*  to each credit for alumni graduates;
Active applicants of CMCD and from associated universities have tuition free.

For further informations, please contact the telephone: 3799-3491/3271 with Daniela or Thaís or by email to

Courses/Schedule of Master's and PH.D. in Economics

Seminar - Natural Gas Vehicles in Brazil: Consequences to the Fuel Market
Roberto Amaral de Castro Prado Santos - FGV-EESP
November 17, 2017

For more information about the Seminars, please contact us at

Seminar - TBA
Nicolas da Silva Borsoi - FGV-EESP
November 10, 2017

For more informations about the Seminars, please contact us at

Seminar - Does the source matter? Some estimations on fiscal multipliers
Nicolas da Silva Borsoi - FGV-EESP
November 10, 2017

For more information about the Seminars, please contact us at

Seminar -Inflation target expectations, transparency and monetary policy
Marcel Bertini Ribeiro - FGV EESP
October 30, 2017

For more information about the Seminars, please contact us at

Seminar - Macroprudential Policy and Economic Growth
Mauricio Barbosa Alves - FGV-EESP
October 27, 2017

For more information about the Seminars, please contact us at

Seminar - Fast-track Authority: A Hold-Up Interpretation
John McLaren - Universidade da Virginia
October 25, 2017

For more information about the Seminars, please contact us at

Seminar - Term Structure(s) of Equity Risk Premium
Ruy Ribeiro - PUC RJ
October 23, 2017

For more information about the Seminars, please contact us at

Seminar - Os impactos do ensino infantil: uma abordagem através de habilidades cognitivas e socioemocionais, a partir de dados em Sertãozinho-SP
Luciana Neves Pires - FGV-EESP
October 20, 2017

For more information about the Seminars, please contact us at

Seminar - Earnings inequality and the minimum wage: Evidence from Brazil
Christian Moser -Columbia Business School
October 18, 2017

For more information about the Seminars, please contact us at

Seminar - Optimal Recommender System in a Bad Reputation Problem
Daniel Monte - FGV EESP
October 09, 2017

For more information about the Seminars, please contact us at

Seminar - The effect of car sharing apps on urban road safety.
Lucas Vinicius Silva Pinto - FGV-EESP
October 06, 2017

For more information about the Seminars, please contact us at

Seminar - Reading Between the Lines: Prediction of Political Violence Using Newspaper Text"
Christopher Rauh - Universidade de Montreal
October 04, 2017

For more information about the Seminars, please contact us at

Seminar - The Long-Term Effects of Brazil's Family Health Program on Student Performance
Gabriel Weber Costa - FGV-EESP
September 29, 2017

For more information about the Seminars, please contact us at

Seminar - General tests for nonlinear restrictions under local misspeci cation
Gabriel Montes-Rojas - UBA
September 27, 2017

For more information about the Seminars, please contact us at

Seminar - Wealth and Consumption Variability: Insights from the National Balance Sheet for the United States, 1896 to 2013".
Felipe Schwartzman - Richmond Fed
September 25, 2017

For more information about the Seminars, please contact us at

Seminar - Effects of Maternity Leave on Firms' Labor Inputs
Deivis Angeli - FGV-EESP
September 22, 2017

For more information about the Seminars, please contact us at

Seminar - When Does Clientelism Pay Off? Legislature Size and Welfare in Brazil
Umberto Mignozzetti - FGV
September 20, 2017
Seminar - Time varying parameters estimation for Tukey Lambda distribution
Alexandre José Cruz Monte - FGV-EESP
September 15, 2017

For more information about the Seminars, please contact us at

Seminar - Jobs for the boys! Meritocracy, public sector pay and human capital accumulation
Pedro Gomes - Carlos III
September 11, 2017

For more information about the Seminars, please contact us at

Seminar - Child Care Subsidies, Quality, and Optimal Income Taxation
Luca Micheletto - University of Milan
September 06, 2017

For more information about the Seminars, please contact us at

Seminar - The Mortgage Illusion
Nelson Camanho - Católica Lisbon School of Business & Economics
September 04, 2017

For more information about the Seminars, please contact us at

Seminar - Efeito de pares de professores na rede municipal de São Paulo
Paula Kasmirski. - FGV-EESP
September 01, 2017

For more information about the Seminars, please contact us at

Seminar - Voting Corrupt Politicians Out of Office: Evidence from an Experiment in Paraguay
Pepita Miquel-Florensa - Toulouse School of Economics
August 30, 2017

For more information about the Seminars, please contact us at

Thesis Seminar - Addressing Econometric Issues on How to Construct Theoretical Based Exchange Rate Misalignment Estimates: Searching for a Comprehensive Approach
Emerson Marçal - FGV-EESP
August 25, 2017

For more information about the Seminars, please contact us at

Seminar - Non-linear distortion-based effects of tax changes on output: A worldwide narrative approach
Guillermo Vuletin - Inter American Development Bank
August 21, 2017

For more information about the Seminars, please contact us at

Thesis Seminar - Understanding liquidity of asset-backed securities
Diego Rodrigues - FGV-EESP
August 18, 2017

For more information about the Seminars, please contact us at

Seminar - Production networks in macroeconomics
David Baqaee - LSE
August 14, 2017

For more information about the Seminars, please contact us at

Thesis Seminar - Should we drop covariate cells with attrition problems?
Bruno Ferman - FGV-EESP
August 11, 2017

For more information about the Seminars, please contact us at

Seminar - Managers Characteristics and Firm Perfomance: Crisis, Tenure, Networks
José Tavares - Universidade Nova de Lisboa
August 09, 2017

For more information about the Seminars, please contact us at

Seminar - International Reserves, Credit Constraints, and Systemic Sudden Stops
Samer Shousha - Federal Reserve Board
August 07, 2017

For more information about the Seminars, please contact us at

Thesis Seminar - Individual Investors and the Price Tag Illusion
Bruno Giovannetti - FGV-EESP
August 04, 2017

For more information about the Seminars, please contact us at

Winter Courses - Ph.D and Master of Arts Program
Bernardo Guimarães - FGV-EESP
July 24, 2017 to July 28, 2017

Monday to Friday 9h00 to 12h00

Enrollment click here:  
For more infomations, please contact us at

Winter Courses - Ph.D and Master of Arts Program
Emanuel Ornelas – FGV/EESP
July 03, 2017 to July 31, 2017


Winter Courses - Ph.D and Master of Arts Program
Rogério Mori - FGV-EESP
July 03, 2017 to July 20, 2017

Schedule (To be translated)

M.A. and Ph.D in Economics
June 30, 2017

Please schedule a day to know more about the programs:

06.30.2017 at 08h00 - click here and sign up
09.29.2017 at 08h00 - click here and sign up

Seminar - From Extreme to Mainstream:How Social Norms Unravel
Leonardo Bursztyn - University of Chicago
June 28, 2017

For more information about the Seminars, please contact us at

Seminar - Fiscal rigidity and sovereign default
Thiago Luiz Curado - FGV-EESP
June 23, 2017

For more information about the Seminars, please contact us at

Seminar - An Empirical Analysis of Decentralized Law Enforcement: Evidence from the Clean Water Act
Bernardo da Silveira - Washington University of St. Louis
June 21, 2017

For more information about the Seminars, please contact us at

Seminar - College Admission and High School Integration
Fernanda Estevan - USP
June 14, 2017

For more information about the Seminars, please contact us at

Seminar - Essays on regional impact of local credit
Lucas Iten Teixeira - FGV-EESP
June 09, 2017

For more information about the Seminars, please contact us at

Seminar - Tordesillas, Slavery and the Origins of Brazilian Inequality
Humberto Laudares - Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies
June 07, 2017

For more information about the Seminars, please contact us at

Seminar - Transitions in Central Bank Leadership
Eduardo Zilberman - PUC RJ
June 05, 2017

For more information about the Seminars, please contact us at

Seminar - Taxing Cognitive and Non-Cognitive Skills
Enlinson Mattos - FGV-EESP
June 02, 2017

For more information about the Seminars, please contact us at

Seminar - Public versus Secret Voting in Committees
Marcos Nakaguma - USP
May 29, 2017

For more information about the Seminars, please contact us at

Seminar - Comparing Nonlinear Methods Forecasts for Brazilian Industrial Production Index
Jordano Vieira Rocha - FGV-EESP
May 26, 2017

For more information about the Seminars, please contact us at

Seminar - Big Fish or Class Quality: The two sides of peer effect in college
Breno Sampaio - UFPE
May 24, 2017

For more information about the Seminars, please contact us at

4th InsTED Workshop Joint With 9th Sao Paulo School of Economics Conference Series
May 24, 2017 to May 25, 2017

2017 InsTED / Sao Paulo School of Economics-FGV Workshop

4th InsTED Workshop on “Advances in Institutions, Trade and Economic Development”

joint with

9th Sao Paulo School of Economics Conference Series on “Trade & Labor and other Institutions”

The workshop will take place at Sao Paulo School of Economics-FGV, Brazil, May 17th-18th 2017.  Sponsorship by the Swiss Programme for Research on Global Issues for Development is gratefully acknowledged.

Keynote speakers:

Amit Khandelwal (Columbia Business School)

Gianmarco Ottaviano (London School of Economics)

Scott Taylor (University of Calgary)

We invite submissions at the intersection or union of institutions, international trade and economic development.  Topics could include, but are not limited to, the role of labor market institutions or financial institutions in international trade and/or economic development, the role of international institutions such as the WTO or the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, and the impact of political institutions such as democracy or dictatorship on international trade and/or economic development.

Submission deadline for paper or 3 page abstract: February 28th 2017.

Please send your submission to with the subject line “InsTED / Sao Paulo School Submission”.

We will cover travel and accommodation expenses for those presenting at the conference (economy class air travel and 3 nights in a hotel).  Additional information will be posted on the InsTED website over the coming months.

Organizers: Emanuel Ornelas (Sao Paulo School of Economics-FGV), Vladimir Ponczek (Sao Paulo School of Economics-FGV), Ben Zissimos (Exeter) and Isleide Zissimos (Exeter)

Seminar - Financial Frictions and Export Dynamics in Large Devaluations
David Kohn - Universidad Católica de Chile
May 22, 2017

For more information about the Seminars, please contact us at

Application Process – Special Student – Master’s and PH.D - 3rd trim and 4th trim 2017
May 22, 2017 to May 26, 2017

May 22th, 2017 to May 26th, 2017

8:00am to 6:00pm
Períod: from 05/22/2017 to 05/26/2017

Procedure to Enrollment:
Please, send the documents below to the email :

External Applicants and Alumni
* Proof of enrollment at stricto-sensu course
* School Register
* Copies of RG and CPF
* Digital Photo 3/4

Application Form 

Active Applicants of CMCD and MPE
* Application Form (avaliable up)

The results of the inscriptions will be sent by email on June 19th, 2017.

Values and Payment:
R$ 2.748,36* to each credit for external applicants and alumni which were not graduates;
R$ 1.374,18* to each credit for alumni graduates;
Active applicants of CMCD and from associated universities have tuition free.

For further informations, please contact the telephone: 3799-3491/3271 with Daniela or Thaís or by email to

 Courses/Schedule of Master's and PH.D. in Economics


Seminar - Revisiting empirical cross-sectional asset pricing with automatic model selection algorithms
Ronan Cunha - FGV-EESP
May 19, 2017

For more information about the Seminars, please contact us at

Seminar - Global Sourcing and Domestic Production Networks
Heiwai Tang Johns -Johns Hopkins University
May 15, 2017

For more information about the Seminars, please contact us at

Seminar - Loans of the revolution: how Mexico borrowed as the state collapsed in 1912-1913
Leonardo Weller - FGV-EESP
May 12, 2017

For more information about the Seminars, please contact us at

Seminar - Specification Tests for the Propensity Score
Pedro H. C. Sant'Anna - Vanderbilt University
May 10, 2017

For more information about the Seminars, please contact us at

Seminar - Incentives and Ratcheting in a multiproduct firm: A Field Experiment
Joaquin Poblete - PUC School of Management
May 08, 2017

For more information about the Seminars, please contact us at

Seminar - Attitudes Toward Different Sources of Uncertainty
Rafael Mouallem Rosa - FGV-EESP
May 05, 2017

For more information about the Seminars, please contact us at

Seminar - On Target? The Incidence of Sanctions Across Listed Firms in Iran
Jason Garred - Ottawa University
May 03, 2017

For more information about the Seminars, please contact us at

Seminar - Peer effects and teacher absences
Priscilla Tavares - FGV-EESP
April 28, 2017

For more information about the Seminars, please contact us at

Seminar -Long-term orientation and educational performance
David Figlio - Northwestern University
April 26, 2017

For more information about the Seminars, please contact us at

Seminar - The Stock Market Is a Dangerous Place for Individuals
Bruno C. Giovannetti
April 19, 2017

For more information about the Seminars, please contact us at

Seminar - Dynamic Quantile Models of Rational Behavior
Luciano de Castro Filho - Iowa University
April 17, 2017

For more information about the Seminars, please contact us at

Seminar - Experimental Evidence on Professor Engagement
Scott E. Carrell - UC Davies
April 12, 2017

For more information about the Seminars, please contact us at

Seminar - Uncovering Skilled Short-sellers
Fernando Chague - USP
April 10, 2017

For more information about the Seminars, please contact us at

Thesis Seminar - Ensaios sobre testes de raiz unitária e cointegração para séries (quase-) integradas e limitadas.
André Guerra Esteves De Moraes - FGV-EESP
April 07, 2017

For more information about the Seminars, please contact us at

Seminar - TBA
Daniel Silva Junior - City University
April 05, 2017
Seminar - Omitted Budget Constraint Bias in Discrete Choice Demand Models
Daniel Silva Junior - City University
April 05, 2017

For more information about the Seminars, please contact us at

Seminar - Securitization, Ratings, and Credit Supply
Victoria Vanasco - Stanford Graduate School of Business
April 03, 2017

For more information about the Seminars, please contact us at

Thesis Seminar - Offshoring and Productivity
Vladimir Teles - FGV-EESP
March 31, 2017

For more information about the Seminars, please contact us at

Seminar - Financial Fragility
Dejanir Silva - Princeton
March 29, 2017

For more information about the Seminars, please contact us at

Seminar - Meet the Oligarchs: Business Legitimacy, State Capacity and Taxation
Juan Dubra - Universidad de Montevideo
March 27, 2017

For more information about the Seminars, please contact us at

Thesis Seminar - Family Planning and Development: Aggregate Effects of Contraceptive Use
Tiago Cavalcanti - FGV-EESP
March 24, 2017

For more information about the Seminars, please contact us at

Seminar - TBA
Christopher Neilson - Princeton
March 22, 2017
Seminar - TBA
Christopher Neilson - Princeton
March 22, 2017
Seminar - Monetary policy credibility and the comovement between stock returns and inflation
Eurilton Araujo - Fucape Business School
March 20, 2017

For more information about the Seminars, please contact us at

Thesis Seminar - Signaling in Dynamic Markets for Lemons
Maria Fernanda Petri Betto - FGV-EESP
March 17, 2017

For more information about the Seminars, please contact us at

Seminar - The Economic Effects of Credit in a Climate-Vulnerable Area
Daniel da Mata - IPEA
March 15, 2017

For more information about the Seminars, please contact us at

Seminar - The macroeconomic consequences of raising the minimum wage paper: capital accumulation, employment and the wage distribution
Alexandre Janiak - Catolica do Chile
March 13, 2017

For more information about the Seminars, please contact us at

Thesis Seminar - Bad reputation with rating systems
Caio Paes Leme Lorecchio - FGV-EESP
March 10, 2017

For more information about the Seminars, please contact us at

Seminar - Cascades and Fluctuations in an Economy with an Endogenous Production Network
Mathieu Taschereau-Dumouchel (Wharton University)
March 06, 2017

For more information about the Seminars, please contact us at

Seminar - Governança e Organização
Daniel Ferreira - LSE
March 03, 2017

For more information about the Seminars, please contact us at

Seminar - The Causes and Consequences of Agricultural Specialization in Brazil
Heitor Pellegrina - Brown University
February 15, 2017

For more information about the Seminars, please contact us at

Seminar - Error prone inference from response time: The case of intuitive generosity in public-good games
Maria Recalde - University of Pittsburgh
February 13, 2017

For more information about the Seminars, please contact us at

Seminar - Dynamic Competition and Price Regulation When Consumers Have Inertia: Evidence from Medicare Part D
Sebastian Fleitas - University of Arizona
February 03, 2017

For more information about the Seminars, please contact us at

Seminar - Preschool Attendance and Child Health and Development: Evidence from State Pre-K Programs
Mariana Zerpa - University of Arizona
February 02, 2017

For more information about the Seminars, please contact us at

Seminar - Slum Growth in Brazilian Cities
Guillermo Alves - Brown University
January 27, 2017

For more information about the Seminars, please contact us at

Seminar - The Effect of Maternal Psychological Distress on Children's Cognitive Development
Victor Ronda - John Hopkins University
January 26, 2017

For more information about the Seminars, please contact us at

Seminar - Lobbying for Capital Tax Benefits and Misallocation of Resources During a Credit Crunch
Gabriel Zaourak (UCLA)
January 20, 2017

For more information about the Seminars, please contact us at

Seminar - How International Reserves Reduce the Probability of Debt Crises
Juan Hernandez (University of Pennsylvania)
January 19, 2017
Seminar - Credit bubbles and misallocation
Pierluca Pannella (University of British Columbia)
January 17, 2017

For more information about the Seminars, please contact us at

Seminar - Quantile Regression Random Effects
Antonio Galvão - University of Iowa
December 20, 2016

For more information about the Seminars, please contact us at

Seminar - Credit-Fuelled Bubbles
Antonio Doblas Madrid - Msu
December 05, 2016

For more information about the Seminars, please contact us at

Seminar - The Effects of Moral Hazard on Wage Inequality in a Frictional Labor Market"
Arpad Abraham – European University Institute
December 02, 2016

For more information about the Seminars, please contact us at

Seminar - Collusion in English auctions with entry cost"
Lucas Ferreira Matos Lima
December 02, 2016

For more information about the Seminars, please contact us at

Seminar - Dynamic Pricing and Consumer Loyalty in a Multiproduct Oligopoly
Fabio Miessi - USP
November 30, 2016

For more information about the Seminars, please contact us at

Application Process – Special Student – Master’s and PH.D - 1st trim and 2nd trim 2017
November 21, 2016 to November 25, 2016

Períod: from 11/21/2016 to 11/25/2016

Procedure to Enrollment:
Please, send the documents below to the email :

External Applicants and Alumni
* Proof of enrollment at stricto-sensu course
* School Register
* Copies of RG and CPF
* Digital Photo 3/4

* Application Form 

Active Applicants of CMCD and MPE
* Application Form (avaliable up)

The results of the inscriptions will be sent by email on December 9th, 2016.

Values and Payment:
R$ 2.748,36* to each credit for external applicants and alumni which were not graduates;
R$ 1.374,18* to each credit for alumni graduates;
Active applicants of CMCD and from associated universities have tuition free.

For further informations, please contact the telephone: 3799-3491/3271 with Daniela or Thaís or by email to

     Courses/Schedule of Master's and PH.D. in Economics

Seminar - Peer Effects in Active Learning: Exploring Exogenous Group Formation"
Vinicius Gomes De Lima
November 18, 2016

For more information about the Seminars, please contact us at

Seminar - Stochastic Sorting
Jan Eeckhout - Ucl
November 16, 2016

For more information about the Seminars, please contact us at

Seminar - Stochastic Sorting
Jan Eeckhout - UCL
November 16, 2016

For more information about the Seminars, please contact us at

Seminar - Teste de Stress de carteiras utilizando análise de estilo
Thiago Strava Correa
November 11, 2016

For more information about the Seminars, please contact us at

Seminar - IMF seniority as a compromise for affordable debt
Paula Karine Ribas Magalhães
November 04, 2016

For more information about the Seminars, please contact us at

Seminar - What Explains Japan´s Persistent Deflation?
Carlos Vianna - PUC RJ
October 31, 2016

For more information about the Seminars, please contact us at

Seminar - Agrotóxicos e Saúde Infantil
Mateus Ferraz Dias
October 28, 2016

For more information about the Seminars, please contact us at

Seminar - Adopting a cleaner technology: The effect of driving restrictions on fleet turnover
Francisco Gallego - Puc Chile
October 26, 2016

For more information about the Seminars, please contact us at

Seminar - Coordinating in Financial Crises
Caio Machado - Fgv-Eesp
October 24, 2016

For more information about the Seminars, please contact us at

Seminar - An essay on self-enforcing debt
Mateus De Lima Santos
October 21, 2016
Seminar - TBA
Claudio Ferraz - Puc-Rio
October 19, 2016
Seminar - Do Government Audits Reduce Corruption? Estimating the Impacts of Exposing Corrupt Politicians
Claudio Ferraz - Puc-Rio
October 19, 2016

For more information about the Seminars, please contact us at

Seminar - Rollover risk and the social value of credibility
Ana Elisa Gonçalves Pereira
October 17, 2016

For more information about the Seminars, please contact us at

Seminar -Inflation target expectations, transparency and effectiveness of monetary policy
Marcel Bertini Ribeiro
October 07, 2016

For more information about the Seminars, please contact us at

Seminar - Family Planning and Development: Aggregate Effects of Contraceptive Use
Cézar Santos - Epge
October 03, 2016

For more information about the Seminars, please contact us at

Seminar - Quality of learning, returns to education and schooling decisions
Lucas Finamor
September 30, 2016

For more information about the Seminars, please contact us at

Seminar - Premium or penalty? Labor market returns to novice public sector teachers
Dario Maldonado - Los Andes
September 28, 2016

For more information about the Seminars, please contact us at

Seminar - Extraction of Hidden Information from Attribute-Based Product Recommendations
Fabio Caldieraro - Ebape
September 26, 2016

For more information about the Seminars, please contact us at

Seminar - Sovereign default risk and commodity prices
João Guilherme Santos Lazzaro
September 23, 2016

For more information about the Seminars, please contact us at

Seminar - Importers, Exporters and the Division of the Gains from Trade
Swati Dhingra - LSE
September 21, 2016

For more information about the Seminars, please contact us at

Seminar - Crime and Durable Goods
Federico Weinschelbaum - San Andres University
September 19, 2016

For more information about the Seminars, please contact us at

Seminar - A positive theory of judges’s decisions with na application to usury laws
Bernardo Guimarâes
September 16, 2016

For more information about the Seminars, please contact us at

Seminar - Monetary Policy, Trend In‡ation and Unemployment Volatility
Sergio Lago - Bacen
September 12, 2016

For more information about the Seminars, please contact us at

Seminar - Usando a teoria para medir a atividade informal
Celso José Costa Junior - FGV-EESP
September 09, 2016

For more information about the Seminars, please contact us at

Seminar -Why Are Savings Rates so Low and Interest Rates so High in Brazil? The Role of Unfunded Social Security and Compulsory Savings
Ricardo Brito - Insper
September 05, 2016

For more information about the Seminars, please contact us at

Seminar - Effects of fiscal consolidations in Latin America
André Sander Diniz
September 02, 2016

For more information about the Seminars, please contact us at

Seminar - Copayment of Prescription Drugs, Health Care Utilization and Health Outcomes: Evidence from a Developing Country
Rudi Rocha - UFRJ
August 31, 2016

For more information about the Seminars, please contact us at

Seminar - Coalitional Expected Multi-Utility Theory
Gil Riella - FGV- Brasília
August 29, 2016

For more information about the Seminars, please contact us at

Seminar - The Risk Channel of Unconventional Monetary Policy
Dejanir Silva - Princeton
August 22, 2016

For more information about the Seminars, please contact us at

Seminar - Building blocks of skill development
Vladimir P. Ponczek - FGV-EESP
August 17, 2016

For more information about the Seminars, please contact us at

Seminar - Teacher Applicant Hiring and Teacher Performance: Evidence from DC Public Schools
Jonah E. Rockoff - Columbia Business School
August 10, 2016

For more information about the Seminars, please contact us at

Seminar - Políticas de Cotas em Universidades Públicas e Resultados no Mercado de Trabalho: Evidências para o Rio de Janeiro
Amanda Cappellazzo Arabage
August 05, 2016

For more information about the Seminars, please contact us at

Teaching Methods in Higher Education
Rogério Mori – FGV/EESP
July 18, 2016 to July 26, 2016

Mon and Tue 2:00pm to 6:00pm


Seminar - A Partial Identification Subnetwork Approach to Discrete Games in Large Networks: An Application to Quantifying Peer Effects
Tong Li - Vanderbilt University
July 13, 2016

For more information about the Seminars, please contact us at

Workshop on Trade and Labor Market in Developing Countries
July 06, 2016 to July 08, 2016


July 6th - 8th, São Paulo, Brazil



Workshop on Trade and Labor Market in Developing Countries
July 06, 2016 to July 08, 2016
Macroeconomics of Policy Making
Marcio Holland - FGV/EESP
July 05, 2016 to July 26, 2016

Tue 9:00am to 1:00pm | Thu and Fri 9:00am to 11:00am


Seminar - Money and Collateral
Fabrizio Mattesini - Universidade de Roma
July 04, 2016

For more information about the Seminars, please contact us at

Dynamic General Equilibrium
Victor Filipe – FGV/EESP
July 04, 2016 to August 01, 2016

Mon and Thu 11:00am to 1:00pm


Topics in International Trade
Emanuel Ornelas – FGV/EESP
July 04, 2016 to July 27, 2016

Mon and Wed 9:00am to 11:00am | Fri 2:00pm to 6:00pm


Winter Courses
July 04, 2016 to August 01, 2016

Enrollment click here:  
For more infomations, please contact us at



Seminar - Desempenho de carteiras de fundos otimizadas com estimadores regularizados
Thiago Strava Correa
July 01, 2016

For more information about the Seminars, please contact us at

Seminar - Economic Shocks and Crime: Evidence from the Brazilian Trade Liberalization”
Rafael Dix-Carneiro - Duke University
June 29, 2016

For more information about the Seminars, please contact us at

M.A. and Ph.D in Economics
June 24, 2016

Please schedule a day to know more about the programs:

06.24.2016 at 18h00 - click here and sign up
10.28.2016 at 08h00 - click here and sign up


Seminar - Efficiency in Decentralized Markets with Aggregate Uncertainty.”
Braz M. de Camargo
June 22, 2016

For more information about the Seminars, please contact us at


Seminar - Pricing interest rate derivatives under monetary changes”
Alan de Genero - Usp
June 20, 2016

For more information about the Seminars, please contact us at

Seminar - Cadeias Globais de Valor e o Papel dos Acordos de Comercio
Rodolfo A. Cabral
June 17, 2016

For more information about the Seminars, please contact us at

Seminar - TBA
Alvaro García Marín - Universidad de Chile
June 15, 2016

For more information about the Seminars, please contact us at

Seminar - Short-Selling Restrictions and Returns: a Natural Experiment
Marco Bonomo - Insper
June 13, 2016

For more information about the Seminars, please contact us at

Seminar - Acabei o Ensino Médio. E agora?" Evidências sobre escolhas educacionais e profissionais dos jovens no Ensino Médio
Priscilla Bacalhau Velloso da Silveira
June 10, 2016

For more information about the Seminars, please contact us at

Seminar - What does the PIN model identify as private information?
Jefferson Duarte - Rice University
June 06, 2016

For more information about the Seminars, please contact us at

Seminar - Efeito rede em fusões no ensino superior
Carolina Garcia
June 03, 2016

For more information about the Seminars, please contact us at

Seminar - The short and long term effects of a child labor ban
André Portela - FGV
June 01, 2016

For more information about the Seminars, please contact us at

Seminar - Centralized decision making and informed lobbying
Rafael Coutinho - Ufpe
May 30, 2016

For more information about the Seminars, please contact us at

7 th Annual Conference Of The Lacea Trade, Integration And Growth Network (Tign) Joint With 8th Sao Paulo School Of Economics Conference Series
May 24, 2016 to May 25, 2016

7th Annual Conference of the Lacea Trade, Integration and Growth Network (TIGN) joint with 8th Sao Paulo School of Economics Conference Series, on May 24th-25th, 2016. This conference is sponsored by LACEA, the Inter- American Development Bank (IDB) the CAF-Development Bank of Latin America (CAF), and Sao Paulo School of Economics-FGV, and is organized by Sao Paulo School of Economics-FGV. The local organizer is Emanuel Ornelas.

The TIGN conference is a unique event that brings together top researchers and policymakers to discuss recent theoretical and empirical advances in trade and integration and growth broadly defined. The goal of these meetings is to use the findings of research in order to gain a better understanding of the problems, opportunities and policy challenges faced by Latin American and Caribbean countries in the process of integration and also to encourage further research on the subject.

This year selection of contributed papers and discussants will be made by a Program Committee whose members are Javier Cravino (University of Michigan), Emanuel Ornelas (Sao Paulo School of Economics-FGV), Andrés Rodriguez-Clare (UC Berkeley), Pablo Sanguinetti (CAF), Peter Schott (Yale University), and Christian Volpe Martincus (IDB).

Theoretical, empirical, and policy-oriented papers dealing with the economics and politics of trade and Regional Trade Agreements (RTAs) as well as those linking trade and RTA initiatives with growth and productivity are welcome.

Sponsoring organizations offer hotel accommodations and a round-trip economy class (most direct) airfare. Researchers currently occupying policymaking positions are welcome to participate at the conference without presenting a paper. These participants will, however, have to procure funding from their own institutions to participate in the event.

To register for the conference and submit a paper, please visit the conference website (,7302.html) and follow the instructions therein. Deadline for submissions is February 29th, 2016. Authors of selected papers and discussants will be notified by March 15th, 2016.

:: Program
Tuesday,  May 24
08:15 – 08:45 Registration
08:45 – 09:00


Opening Remarks:
Emanuel Ornelas, FGV-Sao Paulo School Of Economics
Daniel Godinho, MDIC
Pablo Sanguinetti, CAF
Christian Volpe Martincus, Inter-American Development Bank
Policy Panel
09:00 – 10:30 Trade Facilitation Under Impact Evaluation
  Presentation of the background studies of the forthcoming IDB report “Out of the Border Labyrinth”
Christian Volpe Martincus, Lead Economist, Inter-American Development Bank
  Discussants: Daniel Godinho, Secretary of Foreign Trade, MDIC, Brazil; Robert Teh, Counsellor, WTO; and Pablo Sanguinetti, Chief Economist, CAF
10:30 – 11:00 Coffee Break
Academic Program
11:00 – 12:00 Uneven Stumbling Blocks: Latin American regionalism revisited
Rodney Ludema, US State Department and Georgetown University

Discussant: Emanuel Ornelas, FGV-Sao Paulo School of Economics

12:00 – 13:00 Do Free Trade Agreements Affect Tariffs of Non-Member Countries? A Theoretical and Empirical Investigation
Andrey Stoyanov, York University

Discussant: Marcelo Olarraeaga, Université de Geneve

13:00 – 14:30 Lunch
14:30 – 15:30 Decomposing Growth over an Establishment's Life Cycle: The Role of TFPQ, Demand and Input Costs
Marcela Eslava, Universidad de Los Andes

Discussant: Gabriel Ulyssea, PUC-Rio de Janeiro

15:30 – 16:30 Commodity Prices Shocks and Poverty in Chile
Roberto Álvarez, Universidad de Chile

Discussant: Joao Paulo Pessoa, FGV-Sao Paulo School of Economics

16:30 – 17:00 Coffee Break
17:00 – 18:00 Learning and the Value of Relationships in International Trade
Tim Schmidt-Eisenlohr, Federal Reserve Board

Discussant: Andreas Moxnes, University of Oslo

19:30 Dinner at Tordesilhas (Alameda Tietê, 489 - Cerqueira César, São Paulo - SP, 01417-020)
Wednesday, May 25
Academic Program (Continued)
08:45 - 9:45 Distribution costs, product quality, and Cross-Country Income Differences
Kunal Dasgupta, University of Toronto

Discussant: Olga Timoshenko, George Washington University

09:45 – 10:45 Market-Specific Trade Costs and Firm Dynamics: Evaluation of the Integrated Cargo Containers Control Program between Pakistan and the United States
Salamat Ali, University of Nottingham

Discussant: Jerónimo Carballo, University of Colorado at Boulder

10:45 – 11:15 Coffee Break
11:15 – 12:15 Swimming Upstream: Input-Output Linkages and the Direction of Product Adoption
John Morrow, University of Essex and CEP, London School of Economics

Discussant: Svetlana Demidova, mcMaster University

12:15 – 13:15 Offshoring Health Risks: The Impact of the U.S. Lead Regulation on Infant Health in Mexico
Kensuke Teshima, ITAM

Discussant: Marco González Navarro, University of Toronto

13:15 – 13:30 Closing Remarks:
Emanuel Ornelas, FGV-Sao Paulo School of Economics
Pablo Sanguinetti, CAF
Christian Volpe Martincus, Inter-American Development Bank


05/24/2016, 09:00 - 05/25/2016, 13:30 p.m.
Auditorium FGV/EESP
Rua Itapeva, 474 - 6º - Bela Vista - São Paulo - SP 
Seminar - Trade Policies, Firm Heterogeneity, and Variable Markups
Svetlana Demidova - McMaster University
May 23, 2016

For more information about the Seminars, please contact us at

Room 1000

Application Process – Special Student – Master’s and PH.D - 3rd trim and 4th trim 2016
May 23, 2016 to May 31, 2016
Application Process – Special Student – Master’s and PH.D. 3rd trim and 4th trim 2016
May 23, 2016 to May 31, 2016

Períod: from 05/23/2016 to 05/31/2016

Procedure to Enrollment:
Please, send the documents below to the email :

External Applicants and Alumni
* Proof of enrollment at stricto-sensu course
* School Register
* Copies of RG and CPF
* Digital Photo 3/4

* Application Form 

Active Applicants of CMCD and MPE
* Application Form (avaliable up)

The results of the inscriptions will be sent by email on June 20 th, 2016.

Values and Payment:
R$ 2.528,73* to each credit for external applicants and alumni which were not graduates;
R$ 1.264,37* to each credit for alumni graduates;
Active applicants of CMCD and from associated universities have tuition free.

For further informations, please contact the telephone: 3799-3491/3271 with Daniela or Thaís or by email to

     Courses/Schedule of Master's and PH.D. in Economics


Seminar - Can Financial Education Improve Financial Knowledge and Change Behavior? An Impact Evaluation of a Financial Literacy Program in Brazilian Public Schools
Isabela Brandão Furtado
May 13, 2016

For more information about the Seminars, please contact us at

Seminar -Canary In A Coal Mine: Infant Mortality, Property Values, And Tradeoffs Associated With Mid-20th Century Air Pollution
Edson Severnini - Carnegie Mellon University
May 11, 2016

For more information about the Seminars, please contact us at

Seminar - Robust Selling Mechanism
Humberto Moreira - Epge
May 09, 2016

For more information about the Seminars, please contact us at

Seminar - Bancos de desenvolvimento e o crédito subsidiado: como, quando, quanto e para quem?
Giovanni T. Merlin
May 06, 2016

For more information about the Seminars, please contact us at

Seminar - Capital Allocation across Regions, Sectors and Firms: Evidence from a Commodity Boom in Brazil
Jacopo Ponticelli - University of Chicago
May 04, 2016

For more information about the Seminars, please contact us at

Seminar - Monetary Policy and Financial Stability
Fernando Martin - Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
May 02, 2016

For more information about the Seminars, please contact us at

Seminar - Como decidem os juízes: a introdução da transmissão ao vivo e o comportamento dos juízes do Supremo Tribunal Federal
Felipe de Mendonça Lopes
April 29, 2016

For more information about the Seminars, please contact us at

Seminar - Early Release from Prison on Electronic Monitoring and Recidivism: A Tale of Two Discontinuities
Olivier Marie - Maastricht University
April 27, 2016

For more information about the Seminars, please contact us at

Seminar - Price Discovery and Market Microstructure Noise
Marcelo Fernandes - Fgv-Eesp
April 25, 2016

For more information about the Seminars, please contact us at

Seminar - The Impact of Grade Retention on Juvenile Crime
Nicolas Grau - Universidad de Chile
April 20, 2016

For more information about the Seminars, please contact us at

Seminar - Um modelo teórico para a relação ótima entre probabilidade de apreensão e intensidade da punição
Eduardo F. Castelo B. Ferreira
April 15, 2016

For more information about the Seminars, please contact us at

Seminar - Bright Minds, Big Rents: Gentrification and the Rising Returns to Skill.
Cecilia Machado - EPGE
April 13, 2016

For more information about the Seminars, please contact us at

Seminar - Financial Market Structures Revealed by Pricing Rules: Efcient Complete Markets are Prevalent
José Heleno Faro
April 11, 2016

For more information about the Seminars, please contact us at

Seminar - Specification-Search Possibilities with Synthetic Controls
Vitor A. Possebom
April 08, 2016

For more information about the Seminars, please contact us at

Seminar - News vs novelas: Can entertainment media undermine dictatorship
Luis Meloni - FGV-EESP
April 06, 2016

For more information about the Seminars, please contact us at

Seminar -Reputational Concerns in Directed Search Markets with Adverse Selection
Elton Dusha - University of Chile
April 04, 2016

For more information about the Seminars, please contact us at

Seminar - Taxing Top Earners: A Human Capital Perspective
Alejandro Badel - Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
March 28, 2016

For more information about the Seminars, please contact us at

Seminar - Winning the Oil Lottery: The Impact of Natural Resource Extraction on Growth
Tiago Cavalcanti - FGV-EESP
March 23, 2016

For more information about the Seminars, please contact us at

Seminar - Running from Liquidity Risk
Rafael Matta - University of Amsterdam
March 21, 2016

For more information about the Seminars, please contact us at

Seminar - The World Cup and crime: evidence from São Paulo
Ilaria Masiero
March 18, 2016

For more information about the Seminars, please contact us at

Seminar - Lack of Selection and Limits to Delegation: Firm Dynamics in Developing Countries”
Michael Peters - Yale University
March 14, 2016
Seminar - Asymmetric Legislative Bargaining
Jernej Copic
March 07, 2016
Seminar - Explicando como a aversão ao risco pode levar a exposição ao risco em um modelo comportamental
Eduardo F. Castelo B. Ferreira
March 04, 2016

For more information about the Seminars, please contact us at

Gabriel Ulyssea - PUC RJ
February 03, 2016
Gabriel Ulyssea - PUC RJ
February 03, 2016
Pedro Olea - Princeton University
February 01, 2016
Pedro Olea - Princeton University
February 01, 2016
João Bernardo Neto A. Duarte - University of Illinois
January 28, 2016
João Bernardo Neto A. Duarte - University of Illinois
January 28, 2016
Seminar - How does the gender difference in willingness to compete evolve over time?”
Thomas Buser - Tinbergen Institute Amsterdam
January 27, 2016
João Ramos Antunes - New York University
January 26, 2016
João Ramos Antunes - New York University
January 26, 2016
Seminar - The real effects of disruptions in global food commodity markets: evidence for the United States
Gert Peersman
December 07, 2015
Seminar - Public Insurance, Private Contracting: Effects of the Uruguayan Health Care Reform on Prenatal Care and Birth Outcomes
Anna Balsa - Universidad de Montevideo
December 02, 2015
Seminar - Volatility Managed Portfolios
Alan Moreira
November 30, 2015 to December 30, 2015
Seminar - Loss aversion and asymmetric price adjustment
João Marcos B. Vilar G.
November 27, 2015
Seminar - Inequality in Mortality Over the Life Course: Is it Growing and for Whom?
Hannes Schwandt - University of Zurich
November 25, 2015
Seminar - The Mortality Transition, Malthusian Dynamics and the Rise of Poor Megacities
Remi Jedwab
November 23, 2015
Seminar - Estimating The Effects Of The Minimum Wage In A Developing Country: A Density Discontinuity Design Approach
Hugo B. Jales
November 18, 2015
Seminar - Competition and Stability in a interbank network model
Marco A. Duarte Filho
November 13, 2015
Seminar - Skilled-Labor Productivity and the Destination of Exports
Irene Brambilla - Universidad Nacional de La Plata
November 11, 2015
Seminar - Price Rigidities in a Production Network
Ernesto Pasten
November 09, 2015
Seminar - Uma investigação da relação entre investimento em educação e AIDS no Brasil
Victor Chagas Matos
November 06, 2015
Seminar - Learning By Ruling: A Dynamic Model of Trade Dispute Reesolution
Giovanni Maggi - Yale University
November 04, 2015
Seminar - Chronic Disease Burden and Human Capital Investments: Evidence from Chagas Disease Eradication in Brazil
Priscila Natacha de Oliveira
October 30, 2015
Seminar - Homicides and the Age of Criminal Responsibility in Brazil: A Regression Discontinuity Approach
Francisco J. Moreira da Costa - EPGE
October 28, 2015
Seminar - Age-dependent taxes with endogenous human capital formation
Marcelo Rodrigues
October 26, 2015
Seminar - Labor rights, formality and spillovers: the case of domestic workers in Brazil
Pedro O. Monteiro Pires
October 23, 2015
Seminar - Do Micro-Entrepreneurship Programs Increase Wage-Work? Evidence from Chile
Claudia Martinez - PUC-CHILE
October 21, 2015
Seminar - Unemployment Insurance in High Informality Countries
Emilio C. Espino
October 19, 2015
Seminar - The impact of regional trade agreements on GSP beneficiary countries
Marcos Ritel F. Junior
October 16, 2015
Seminar - Industry Dynamics, Investment and Uncertainty
Julieta Caunedo
October 09, 2015
Seminar - Inference in Difference in Difference with Different Group Sizes
Bruno Ferman e Cristine Pinto
October 02, 2015
Seminar - Do Entry Regulation and Taxes Hinder Firm Creation and Formalization? Evidence from Brazil
Gabriel Ulyssea - PUC RJ
September 30, 2015
Seminar - Information Acquisition, Quality and Signalling through prices
Nicolas Figueroa - Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
September 28, 2015
Seminar -Should we worry about the observer effect? Evidences from Pelotas
Marcela Mello Silva
September 25, 2015
Seminar - Macroeconomics of Targeted Fiscal Stimulus
Vladimir K. Teles
September 21, 2015
Seminar - Private Education Markets, Information on Test Scores and Tuition Practices.
Vítor Augusto Possebom
September 18, 2015
Seminar - Firm Dynamics and Residual Inequality in Open Economies
GIammario Impullitti - The University of Nottingham
September 16, 2015
Seminar - Dynamic Contracting with Limited Commitment and the Ratchet Effect
Lucas Maestri - EPGE
September 14, 2015
Seminar - Optimal Policy Intervention and the Social Value of information with Costly information acquisition
Daniela Cunha de Lima
September 11, 2015
Seminar - Estimating Network Effects without Network Data
Pedro Carvalho L. de Souza - LSE
September 09, 2015
Seminar - O impacto distributivo de políticas monetárias não convencionais
Daniel A. Maranhão de Lima
September 04, 2015
Seminar - On the Origins of Monetary Exchange
Braz M. de Camargo - FGV/EESP
September 02, 2015
Seminar - "Is inequality good for economics growth?Evidence from Brazilian Municipalities, 1970-2000"
Maria Lombardi
August 28, 2015
Seminar - Repeated Delegation
João Ramos
August 24, 2015
Seminar - “Pricing the Cost of an Election: The Impact of the 2014 Elections on Stock Markets "
Augusto de Barros Lisboa de Carvalho
August 21, 2015
Seminar - How does affirmative action without quota work? Evidence from a large Brazilian university.
Fernanda Estevan - USP
August 19, 2015
Seminar - Education Policies and Structural Transformation
Pedro Cavalcanti- EPGE
August 17, 2015
Seminar - "Synthetic Control Estimator: A Walkthrough with Confidence Intervals"
Vítor Augusto Possebom
August 14, 2015
Seminar - Regression Discontinuity with Many Thresholds
Marinho Bertanha - Stanford University
August 12, 2015
Seminar -The Dynamics of Comparative Advantage
Marc-Andreas Muendler - University of California
August 10, 2015
Seminar - “Technological Change, Occupational Tasks and the Distribution of Work Earnings: the Brazilian Case "
Flávio Riva
August 07, 2015
Seminar - College Diversity and Investment Incentives
Thomas Gall - Southampton University
August 05, 2015
Seminar - Networks in Production: Asset Pricing Implications
Bernard Herskovic
August 04, 2015
7th Sao Paulo School of Economics Conference Series Macroeconomics in Emerging Economies
August 03, 2015

Sao Paulo, Brazil, August 3rd, 2015.

On August 3rd, 2015, a one-day workshop on Macroeconomics in Emerging Economies will be held at the Sao Paulo School of Economics - FGV.

Confirmed participants: Pierre-Olivier Gourinchas (UC Berkeley), Andy Neumeyer (UTDT), Ugo Panizza (Graduate Institute, Geneve), Guillermo Vuletin (Brookings Institution) and Carlos Carvalho (PUC- Rio).

Registration: click here

Acess the program here

Sao Paulo School of Economics - FGV
Address: Rua Itapeva, 474, Bela Vista, São Paulo-SP, Brazil

08/03/2015, 09:00 a.m - 07:00 p.m.
Event Location: 
Auditório FGV/EESP - 6º floor
Seminar - Cooperation in WTO’s Tariff Waters
Peri Silva - Kansas State U.
July 29, 2015
International Economics: Micro and Macroeconomic Connections
Marc-Andreas Muendler - University of California
July 27, 2015 to August 07, 2015
International Economics
Marc-Andreas Muendler - University of California
July 27, 2015 to August 07, 2015
Seminar - The effect of vocational education credentials on job opportunity: a field experiment.
Sammara Cavalcanti Soares
July 03, 2015
Seminar - "Home Grown School Feeding, Children Education and Health Outcomes"
Juliana Camargo
June 26, 2015
M.A. and Ph.D in Economics
June 26, 2015

Please schedule a day to know more about the programs:

06.26.2015 at 08h00 - click here and sign up
10.30.2015 at 08h00 - click here and sign up

Seminar - Migration, Roads, and Labor Market Integration: Evidence from a Planned Capital City
Jaqueline Oliveira - Clemson University
June 24, 2015
Seminar - Sinalização e Percepção de Qualidade via Preços
Hugo De Andrade Lucatelli
June 22, 2015
Seminar -A Supply and Demand Framework for Two-Sided Matching Markets
Eduardo Azevedo - Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania
June 22, 2015
Seminar - Internet Diffusion and the Crime Drop
Ilaria Masiero
June 19, 2015
Seminar - Desenvolvimento Infantil e Evasão Escolar: Evidências com dados Longitudinais de Pelotas
Naercio Menezes Filho - INSPER
June 17, 2015
Seminar - Persuading Voters
Odilon Camara - University of Southern California
June 16, 2015
Seminar - Estimating Habit Formation in Voting
Thomas Fujiwara - Princeton University
June 10, 2015
Political Economics
Filipe R. Campante - Havard Kennedy School
June 09, 2015 to June 11, 2015
Political Economics
Filipe R. Campante - Havard Kennedy School
June 08, 2015 to June 12, 2015
Seminar - Accounting for Mismatch Unemployment
Thijs van Rens - University of Warwick
June 01, 2015
Seminar - Long-Term Asset Allocation Based on Stochastic Multistage Multi-Objective Portfolio Optimization
Guido Marcelo Borma Chagas
May 29, 2015
Seminar - Global engagement and the occupational structure of firms
Susan Zhu - Michigan State
May 27, 2015
Seminar - Política econômica e precificação de ativos
Luis Fernando Azevedo
May 22, 2015
Seminar - When financial imperfections are not the problem, but the solution
Andrés Carvajal
May 18, 2015
Seminar - Testing for Selection on Unobservables in Fuzzy Regression Discontinuity Designs
Alessandro Ribeiro De Carvalho Casalecchi
May 15, 2015
Seminar - Heteroskedasticity Consistent Standard Errors for Linear Models with Many Covariates
Mattias Cattaneo - University of Michigan
May 13, 2015
Seminar - Labor markets in heterogenous sectors
Sergio Lago - BACEN
May 11, 2015
Recent Advances in Causal Inference Methods
Matias Cattaneo - University of Michigan
May 11, 2015 to May 15, 2015
Recent Advances in Causal Inference Methods
Matias Cattaneo - University of Michigan
May 11, 2015 to May 15, 2015
Seminar - Estimação da estrutura a termo da taxa de juros utilizando dados de alta frequência
Fausto Araujo
May 08, 2015
Seminar - Estimação da estrutura a termo da taxa de juros utilizando dados de alta frequência
Fausto Araujo
May 08, 2015
Raphael Corbi - London Business School + USP post-doc
May 06, 2015
Seminar - Bowling For Fascism: Social Capital And The Rise Of The Nazi Party
Nico Voigtländer - UCLA Anderson School of Management
April 29, 2015
Seminar - Political Specialization
Bernardo Guimarâes
April 24, 2015
Seminar - Institutions and the Location of Oil Exploration
Torfinn Harding
April 17, 2015
Seminar - People & Machines - A Look at the Evolving Relationship Between Capital and Skill In Manufacturing 1850-1940 Using Immigration Shocks
Jeanne Lafortune - PUC Chile
April 15, 2015
Seminar - Cooperation Dynamics in Repeated Games of Adverse Selection
Juan Escobar - University of Chile
April 13, 2015
Seminar - Impactos de Curto Prazo do Programa Mais Educação
Priscila Tavares
April 10, 2015
Seminar - Property rights in illicit markets: an application to drug markets in São Paulo"
Jefferson Bertolai - FEA-RP
March 30, 2015
Seminar - Currency Crisis and the ADR Shadow Exchange Rate
Federico Filippini - Universidad de los Andes
March 23, 2015
Seminar - How do realized betas reflect M&A announcements
João de Mendonça Mergulhão
March 20, 2015
Seminar -How do realized betas reflect M&A announcements
João de Mendonça Mergulhão
March 20, 2015
Seminar - Simultaneous Variables
Antonio Galvão - University of Iowa
March 18, 2015
Seminar - Credit Reallocation, Deleveraging, and Financial Crises
Raoul Minetti - Michigan State University
March 16, 2015
Seminar - Field Experiments in Economics
Bruno Ferman
March 13, 2015
Seminar - The Long-run and Next-generation Education Impacts of Intergovernmental Transfers
Stephan Litschig (Barcelona IAE)
March 11, 2015

For more information about the Seminars, please contact us at