Lobo, Thiago

Lobo, Thiago

Research Interest: 

Development Economics
Structural Transformation
Climate Change
Applied Micro

More information: 


I am a Ph.D. Candidate in the São Paulo School of Economics at Fundação Getúlio Bargas (EESP-FGV). I hold a Master's and a Bachelor's degree from the University of Sao Paulo (USP). My research interest lies in the intersection of Development Economics, Structural Transformation, and Climate Change.

Supervisor: Daniel Da Mata

Teaching: Tutor at FGV EESP for undergraduate courses (Statistics, Introduction to Finance, and Projects I)

Working Papers:

Agricultural Innovation and Crime (with Daniel Da Mata)


Lôbo, Thiago Pereira, and Luciano Nakabashi. "Além do PIB per capita: Ensaio sobre medidas de bem-estar para os estados brasileiros." Revista Brasileira de Economia (RBE) v.74 n.3 (2020): 325-351


Ph.D. Fellowship, CAPES (2019-until now)

Masters Fellowship, CNPQ (2017-2019)